
Events of the American Revolution

  • Spark-Lexington and Concord #iwontgiveup

    Spark-Lexington and Concord #iwontgiveup
    Lexington and Concord It was considered the start of the American Revolution and there were several events that lead to it. This was when 77 Minutemen and 700 Red Coats clashed. The first shot fired, was considered the "the shot heard round the world" who fired first is unknown. A British major yelled, “Throw down your arms! Ye villains, ye rebels.” The outcome, well the British obviously won, but it wasn't over yet.
  • Bunker Hill #wecantstop

    Bunker Hill #wecantstop
    History The battle was between the newly formed Continental Army and the British forces that had occupied Boston for years. It was essentially a struggle for the higher ground surrounding Boston. The main cause was the seize of Boston. This battle was bound to happen. he British did win this won.
  • Turning Point-Saratoga #boomshakalaka

    Turning Point-Saratoga #boomshakalaka
    Battle of Saratoga Turns the Tide (2:22) TV-14 In 1777, the colonists force the surrender of 6,000 British troops in New York State. General John Burgoyne had no choice because his troops were trapped. They were waiting for reinforcement that never showed up. This first major victory convinces France to enter the war as allies on the Americans' side.
  • Government-Articles of Confederation #wrongway

    Government-Articles of Confederation #wrongway
    Articles of Confederation The articles were formed by the colonies. These basically said how they were going to do things. All of this was the opposite of what Britain did because they thought this was smart. The colonies were trying emphasize them wanting freedom from Britain.
  • Low Point-Valley Forge #thisfightisntoveryet

    Low Point-Valley Forge #thisfightisntoveryet
    Valley Forge
    The winter of 1777-8 was the low point of America's struggle for independence. The camp had many so they were forced to live in damp, crowded quarters, the army of approximately 12,000 suffered from a lack clothing and food. Diseases such as typhoid, dysentery, typhus and pneumonia spread. An estimated 2,000 died. Later a tranformation occured, as leadership, conditions, and discipline improved.
  • Last-Yorktown #sucker

    Last-Yorktown #sucker
    Siege of Yorktown Americans and French marched out of Williamsburg and arrived before Yorktown on 28th September 1781, forming a semi-circle put the British under siege. The Americans were sufficiently close to began an artillery bombardment. On 14th October the Americans and French stormed two redoubts in front of their trenches and the position of the British in Yorktown became untenable, and surrendered on the 19th.
  • Resolution-Treaty of Paris of 1783 #celebrationtimecomeon

    Resolution-Treaty of Paris of 1783 #celebrationtimecomeon
    Treaty of Paris The Continental Congress named a five-member group to negotiate a treaty--John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, and Henry Laurens. Americans wanted an independent course, and didn't trust the French. The final treaty was signed on September 3, 1783, and ratified by the Continental Congress early in 1784.