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Events Of Holocaust

  • Population

    Over 9 million Jews lived in Europe. They worked and raised familes during the harsh times.
  • Concentration camps

    Concentration camps
    The first concentration camps were made to imprisoning "dangerous" people/things. Such as homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, political opponents, and so much more.
  • Nazi Gain Power

    Nazi Gain Power
    The Nazi rise to power and ended the Weimar Republic. The German parliamentary democracy was made after WWI.
  • Poland Invasion

    Poland Invasion
    September 1, 1939. Germany invaded poland. Over time, Nazi Germany and others took over a lot of Europe.
  • Germany's Betrayal

    Germany's Betrayal
    June 1941, Germany turned on the Soviet Union. Germany would often draw mobile killing units on the Soviets land and cause a mass shooting.
  • Crimes Commited

    Crimes Commited
    During this year, the millions of Jews that were murder by using poison gas. By the end, Allied troops then discovered what the crimes that was happening during the Holocaust.
  • Discovery

    By this time, the Germans have carried out their plan for the holoaust and murdered 6 million Jews. When the allied troops found the concentration camps, they discovered alot of bones, corpses, and ashes. They also found survivors. A lot of them were starving, sick, and even wounded.