Events of Greek

  • 725 BCE

    Sparta Dominates Messenians

    Sparta conquered Messenians and occupied their lands. Messenians became helots, peasants forced to stay the land they worked.
  • 650 BCE

    Messenians Revolution

    The Messenians, resentful of the Spartan's harsh rule, revolted.
  • 621 BCE

    Draco's Code

    All Anthenians, rich and poor, were equal under the law.
  • 594 BCE

    Solon's Reformation

    No citizen should own another citizen.
  • 546 BCE

    The Persian War

    The Persian War, between Greece and the Persian Empire, began in Ionia on the coast of natonia. Greece had long been settled here, but Persians conquered this area.
  • 500 BCE

    Cleishenes' Reform

    Breaking up the power of nobility by organizing citizens into ten groups based on where they lived rather than on their wealth.