Revolution title

Events of American Revolution

  • The Spark- Lexington and Concord

    The Spark- Lexington and Concord
    Ater the intolerable acts the molitias surronding the Boston area began taking up arms. The british army went to seise the guns but the rebles were worned by Paul Revere and when the British came they overran Lexington but were driven into retreat at Concord
    "The British are coming"- Paul Revere weshowwedthemup
  • First- Battle of Bunker HIll

    First- Battle of Bunker HIll
    When the Colonist began fortifying Breeds Hill the British attacked as the position allowed the Colonist to fire on the British ships in the harbor. The colonist held their fire until the British were close as they had low ammo. It took the British 3 atempts to finally break through the lines. The Britsih were victorious but they lost 1000 men while the colonist only lost 400.
    "Don't fire until you see the white of their eyes"- Col.Prescott Welostthewronghill
  • Turning Point- Saratoga

    Turning Point- Saratoga
    The British were marching to Albany, New York as part of their plan to divide the colonies. The colonists were doing their best to stop this and they engaged them at Saratoga. The British were surronded and on Oct. 17 British Gen. Burgoyne surendered his army. This was an important battle as it showwed the power of the Rebles and showwed that they had a chance and the French and Spanish joined with the Colonist lookatusnow
  • Low Point- Valley Forge

    Low Point- Valley Forge
    After losing at Long Island the Colonists retreated to the winter camp of Valley Forge. Their supplies such as food, uniforms, blankets, and socks were very low and so were the spirits of the soldiers. Therefore General Washington inlisted the help of Thomas Paine and Marquis de Lafayette to motivate and suply the troops.
    "These are the times that try men's souls"- Thomas Paine wesignedupforthis
  • Period: to

    Valley Forge

  • Government- Articles of Confederations

    Government- Articles of Confederations
    The Articles of Confederation were made by the colonies after Independence to make a central government for the new states. These articles basicly created 13 countries under an alience. With no power to tax or raise an army, no execitive or juditial branch, and the only way to pass amendemnts with unanimus dicision, the new government was very weak and was replaced soon. weareagroupofindividualcountries
  • Last- Yorktown

    Last- Yorktown
    After getting driven from the Southern colonies Gen. Cornwallis had moved his troops to Virginia and set up camp at Yorktown. Gen. Washington of the Patriots surrounded to British with his and the French combined army of 16,000 men. The only option for the British was to retreat by sea but the French came and drove the British ships out of Chesapeak Bay. Cornwallis had no choice but to surender and the British had lost the war. gamesetmatch
  • Resolution- Treaty of Paris

    Resolution- Treaty of Paris
    The war had been fought and now the peace must be maid offical. The Treaty of Paris was signed ending the war. In the treaty the British recognised the colonist's independence, while the Patriots agreed to give back to the loyalist who had had property stolen from them. The new American nation had recieved the land of the colonies to the Mississippi from Canada to Florda USAforever