Events of 1700s

  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Delegates sent from each state, excluding Rhode Island, met up in Philadelphia to discuss issues within the government at the time. What came of this meeting was a stronger, more defined federal government.
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    The Whiskey Rebellion

    Congress put a tax onto whiskey. Farmers were outraged because whiskey was such a popular thing, but they were not making enough to afford this new tax. Farmers of Western PA rebelled against the tax.
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    The XYZ Affair

    Congress stopped trade with France, so Adams then sent representatives to make amends with France, which, in return, France demanded money. The ordeal kick started a mini battle, which a treaty ended in 1800.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    John Adams created four laws, the Naturalization Act; the Alien Friends Act; the Alien Enemies Act; and the Sedition Act, against immigrants, making it harder for them to become citizens in the United States. It also made it illegal to criticize the federal government.
  • Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
    These allowed for a state to step in if the government did something deemed unconstitutional. For example, Thomas Jefferson claimed the Alien and Sedition Acts John Adams made were unconstitutional.