
Events Leading up to World War II

  • Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany. Germans across the social spectrum loved him, but little did they know that he would lead them down a path of destruction.
  • Enabling Act is Passed

    Enabling Act is Passed
    The ReichStag passes the enabling act. This allows Hitler to rule by decree and to control the entire government. This will later allow him to become the full leader of Germany.
  • Gestapo

    The Gestapo is established in Germany to maintain “order” throughout the country and especially during the war. They represent Hitler’s group of enforcers.
  • Japan leaves League of Nations

    Japan leaves League of Nations
    Japan leaves the League of Nations. The reason Japan gave for withdrawing was because of accusations made against them regarding Manchuria by the League of Nations.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations.

    Germany leaves the League of Nations.
    Germany leaves the League of Nations.
  • German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact

    German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact
    Poland and Germany agree to sign the ten year German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact. The pact allowed Germany to maintain an eastern border. Five years after signing the pact, Germany invades Poland without much resistance.
  • Period: to

    Nazi Purges

    Political murders known as Operation Hummingbird, or the Night of the Long Knives, is carried throughout Germany and beyond. The action was seen as a purge against those who would politically oppose the ruling Nazi party.
  • Hindenburg Dies

    Hindenburg Dies
    fter a long wait, Hitler receives the Führer of Germany title, making him chancellor and head of state.
  • Militarization of the Rhineland

    Militarization of the Rhineland
    Germany violates come contents of the Treaty of Versailles by militarizing the Rhineland. Under the treaty, Allied forces would occupy the Rhineland for fifteen years.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    Led by Francisco Franco, the Spanish Civil War Begins. Germany gives support to Franco, who represented the Nationalist faction during the war. Germany was instrumental in many victories for the Nationalists of Spain.
  • Axis Alliance

    Axis Alliance
    The Axis Powers or Axis Alliance is formed. Germany signs a treaty with Italy and Japan. The alliance would later be the main antagonists during WWII.
  • Anti-Comintern Pact

    Anti-Comintern Pact
    Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan come to an agreement by signing the Anti-Comintern Pact directed against the communist movement and the Soviet Union.
  • Annexation of Austria

    Annexation of Austria
    Nazi Germany completes the Annexation or Anschluss of Austria. Austria was the first country to be annexed by Hitler’s Germany.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Seen as a way of appeasing Nazi Germany, the Munich Agreement is signed by France, Italy, the UK, and Nazi Germany. The purpose of the agreement was to allow the annexation of Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland borders.
  • Prague Invasion

    Prague Invasion
    Nazi Germany troops enter Prague and capture Czechoslovakia in complete violation of the Munich Agreement.
  • AGNA and GPNA are Renounced

    AGNA and GPNA are Renounced
    During a speech before the Reichstag, the Anglo-German Naval Agreement and German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact is renounced by Hitler.