Selective Service Act is Passed
This act gave the US government the right to draft citizens into war. The institution of a draft proved essential to the success of the allies due to the larger amounts of troops that could carry out the actions necessary to win World War 1. -
Hitler is Named Leader of the Nazi Party
After a disagreement between Hitlr an the Nazi party, Hitler threatened to leave the party. The only way they party could get Hitler to stay was naming him leader or Fuhrer of the Nazi Party -
Kellog-Briand Pact Signed
In Paris, a mutual agreement pact was signed by many nations to eliminate war as a tool of national policy. -
Japan Invades Manchuria
Japan attacked Manchuria in seprtember 1931 in an attempt to control all of asia -
Enabling Act of 1933
On this day the Reichstag, or German parliament, voted 441 to 84 thatHItler would now be able to enact laws without the consent of anyone else, thus creating a dictatorship. -
Neutrality Act of 1935 Signed
Signed to start a general embargo on arms trading and the delivery of war materials to belligerent nationas -
Selective Service Act of 1940
The Selective service act of 1940 required men 21-36 to register for the draft. This was the first time men were required to register for the draft during a time of peace. This act payed of in 1941 when the US entered World War II -
Lend Lease Program Established
This program gave military aid to countries whose success was vital to that of the US. It gave the US the right to lend materials and money to belligerent nations who would pay it back in time. -
Philip Randolph's March and Roosevelt's Response
As word of broke industry in the U.S, started to boom. Whites were getting hired much more and to hirer skilled jobs. Blacks noticed this and a spokesperson Philip Randolph proposed a walk in Washington. President Roosevelt compromised with the NAACP and the walk never happend. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Large surprise attack on American naval base in Pearl Harbor Hawaii. Devastated the American Pacific naval fleet. Brought US into WWII -
Germany Declares War on the United States
Germany wanted the help of Japan in defeating Russia and Hitler hated FDR for his remarks on Nazi beliefs, so after Japan attacked pearl harbor, Germany declared war 4 days later -
FDR Wins Third Term
FDR was re-elected to a record third term. He soundly beat his counterpart from New York in a decisive win for the Democratic Party.