
Events Leading Up To WWII

  • Period: to

    Causes, Events.

  • 1938

    The first card in the "Horrors of War" set is a scene of Chinese soldiers attempting to defend their homeland, at the Marco Polo Bridge, against an invading Japanese army attacking from Manchuria. The battles, civilian carnage and brutalities of the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, the Russo-Japanese confrontation in Manchuria, the Chinese-Japanese War, and the inexorable roll of events in Europe are all beautifully captured
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    Germany, Italy, Britain, and France wrote this and signed it. It was pretty much the other countries just giving to Adolf Hitler and Germany what he wanted.
  • Failed attempts to help the Jews

    Failed attempts to help the Jews
    In 1939, the United States refused to admit more than 900 refugees who had sailed from Hamburg, Germany, on the SS St. Louis. After being turned away from Cuba, the ship appeared off the coast of Florida. After the United States denied it permission to land, the St. Louis returned to Europe. Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Belgium each accepted some of the passengers as refugees. Of the ship’s 908 passengers, 254 are known to have died in the Holocaust. The event was widely publicize
  • Contribute to wwII

    Contribute to wwII
    President Roosevelt tried again in mid July to prevent war by asking congress to revise the U.S. Neutrality Law, which it did not. On August 29th , Roosevelt said their failure to do so encourages the Germans to continue their invasion plans. On this same date, Great Britain places its self on war alert as Hitler plans to invade Poland, which he does on September 1st . Therefore, on September 3rd , 1939, Great Britain, France and India declare war on Germany. Other countries soon join suit,
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    This was the name for the air warfare being fought between Germany and the United Kingdom. It was the only battle fought entirely in the air and the British won.
  • Hong Teck Guan

    Hong  Teck  Guan
    1941 Japan occupation of Sabah during World War II. Datuk Seri Hong's enormous contributions and life threatening events during this period were later recorded in the Archives of Sabah. 1