Events Leading up to WW2

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Ended WW1, most important peace treaty.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party
    Hitler ruled the Nazi party starting in 1921
  • Joseph Stalin becomes leader in Russia

    Joseph Stalin becomes leader in Russia
    Leader of USSR from 1929-1953
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact signed

    Nazi-Soviet Pact signed
    On August 23, 1929 the Nazi-Soviet Pact was signed. It was a nonaggression act.
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japan invades Manchuria
    Began September 18, 1931 when the Kwantung Army invaded Manchuria
  • Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933
  • Nazis begin roundup of Jews

    Nazis begin roundup of Jews
    The Nazis began rounding up the Jews in 1933 which was the start of a terrible period called the Holocaust which didn't end until 1945.
  • Italian Army invades Ethiopia

    Italian Army invades Ethiopia
    The Italo-Ethiopian War started in 1935 when the Italians invaded Ethiopia.
  • Neutrality Act Passed by U.S.

    Neutrality Act Passed by U.S.
    The act was passed on August 31, 1935. This act prohibited exports of arms and ammunition.
  • Hitler sends troops into Rhineland

    Hitler sends troops into Rhineland
    Hitler sent troops into Rhineland on March 7, 1936.
  • Japan attacks Nanjing, China

    Japan attacks Nanjing, China
    Japanese soldiers committed a episode of massacre of people.
  • Germany incorporates Austria into the Anschluss

    Germany incorporates Austria into the Anschluss
    Adolf Hitler announced a union between Austria and Germany.
  • Munich Pact signed

    Munich Pact signed
    The Munich Pact was signed on September 30, 1938. It permitted Nazi annexation of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939 Hitler invaded Poland.
  • Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Two days after the invasion of Poland, Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.
  • Germany and Italy sign a treaty of cooperation and Axis born

    Germany and Italy sign a treaty of cooperation and Axis born
    Also known as the Tripartite Act. It was signed September 27, 1940