Events Leading up to WW2

By Kel&Jaz
  • Neutrality Act of 1935, Signed

    Neutrality Act of 1935, Signed
    The new measure imposed a general embargo on the trade of war materials to all nations in the war.Also, the act stated that Americans traveling on warring ships were doing so at their own risk.The bill was set to expire after six months.President Roosevelt called upon the act after the Italian invasion of Ethiopia; the President wanted to make it very clear that the United States was not going to participate in the war on either side in any way.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    In order to revenge a loss back in 1896, Italy invaded Ethiopia and took over. The highly offended the League of Nations, but both nations were members, so there couldn't be anything done about it. It caused mild sanctions, that included the transport of tennis balls. Overall, it just showed how aggressive Italy's fascism had become/
  • Neutrality Act of 1936 Signed

    Neutrality Act of 1936 Signed
    The 1936 version of the Neutrality Act renewed the provisions of the 1935 Act for another 14 months.It also forbade all loans or credits to belligerents.In a sense, President Roosevelt and the federal government was accepting some of the findings of the Nye Commission, which concluded that bankers and businesses that were invested in the Allies in World War I pushed the United States to enter the war.
  • Germany force enters Rhineland

    Germany force enters Rhineland
    In an act completely against the Treaty of Versaille , Hitler invaded and remilitarized Rhineland. According to the treaty this was shall be regarded as committing a hostile act...and as calculated to disturb the peace of the world". Yet it was only the first of many conquests that Hitler would make that tried the League of Nations.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    This war started when the fascist led rebels tried to challenge the current republican government. The fascist leader got support from Hitler and Mussolini. Because the rebels won, this event gave the fascists more power and gave Germany a chance to try out their military power and weapons.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis is Formed

    Rome-Berlin Axis is Formed
    Together Mussolini and Hiltler unite two of the most aggressive and powerful countries in Europe. This alliance was extremely dangerous for the remaining democracies in Europe because the two countries had a large army and were known for conquesting weaker surrounding countries. The event would eventually lead to the complete Axis alliance.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Beginning with the bombing of the Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing, Japan began a full invasion of China, hoping to acquire the vast natural resources China contained. The Soviet Union was quick to aid the weaker China so that Japan wouldn't invade Siberia. Japan would continue to go against the Treaty of Versailles, would attempt to acquire more land, and would eventually withdraw from the League of Nations, as Germany also did.
  • Roosevelt Delivers his Quarantine Speech

    Roosevelt Delivers his Quarantine Speech
    With escalating aggression from Italy and Japan, Roosevelt decided it was time to do something about the rising dictators and try to prevent a war.In his "quarantine" speech, FDR suggested that the democracies of the world work together and quarantine the aggressors economically.This very bold speech of his, delivered at a time when America was still considered neutral, received very negative public reaction, causing him to drop the idea altogether.
  • Austria merges into Germany

    Austria merges into Germany
    According to his plan Hitler moves to incorporate all German-speaking people. He demanded the chancellor of Austria to agree to all Hitler's terms, or he would just take over the country by forcea anyways. And even though this was another offense to the treaty of Versailles, none of the other countries moved to reprimand it.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    After annexing Austria, Hitler started to move towards taking over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. In attempt to prevent further conquest Britain and France tried to hold a conference to settle the matter peacefully. This eventually ended up in them surrendering the Sedetenland to Hitler with his promise stop conquest.
  • Germany invades the rest of Czechoslovakia

    Germany invades the rest of Czechoslovakia
    Despite the wishes of all other nations about a half of year after the Munich Agreement Hitler pushed his troops into the non-negociated side of Czechoslovakia. This is the point where everyone realized completely that Hitler would not stop the conquest no matter what. After the event truly sank in Britain and France made a pact with Poland to attack Germany if it attempted to attack.
  • Albania is Invaded by Italy

    Albania is Invaded by Italy
    Mimicking Hitler's territorial conquests, Mussolini ordered Italian troops into the Balkan country of Albania in order to gain control of the Adriatic Sea.Under Mussolini's control, Albania withdrew from the League of Nations a few days later, and the Albanian foreign ministry was merged in with the Italian foreign ministry.However, Albania was dependent on Italy's economy and would eventually hurt Mussolini more than it helped.The same could actually be said for most of Italy's land acquisition
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Right before the outbreak of WW2 Germany and the USSR made a non-aggression pact. This move was completely unexpected by all other European countries, because the two countries had hated each other based on political views. What most people didn't know was this pact was only created so the two countries could split up Poland.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Only a week after the Nazi-Soviet Pact was made Hitler demanded Poland give back the territories they had lost in WW1. When Poland failed to comply the Soviet and Germany invaded Poland. Ultimately this was what caused Britain to issue an ultimatium that would start war.
  • Neutrality Act of 1939

    Neutrality Act of 1939
    Loosened previous restrictions created by the Neutrality Act of 1937. Although America was technically neutral it still wanted to help Britain and France defeat the dictators. The Neutrality Act of 1939 helped get America out of the recession.