Events leading up to World War II

  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    With intense pressure from Hitler and the Nazi party, President Paul von Hindenburg anoints Hitler as Chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler withdraws from the United Nations and Geneva Disarmament Conference

    Hitler withdraws from the United Nations and Geneva Disarmament Conference
    Adolf Hitler ordered his delegates to withdraw from negotiations of both the United Nations and the Geneva Disarmament Conference after Britain and France refused to Hitler's proposal; They have to disarm to Germany's levels or Germany needs to be allowed to rearm to their level.
  • President Hindenburg dies; Hitler takes power

    President Hindenburg dies; Hitler takes power
    President Paul von Hindenburg dies and Hitler assumes control of Germany and German Parliament. Hitler is know dictator of Germany
  • Hitler announces the Rearmament of Germany

    Hitler announces the Rearmament of Germany
    After coming to power in 1933, Adolf Hitler secretly orders the German rearmament and by 1935, Hitler very publicly announces that he as grown the German Military to 2,500 planes, 300,000 men, and he reinstates the draft to grow the army size to 550,000 men
  • Anglo-German Naval Agreement

    Anglo-German Naval Agreement
    The Anglo-German Naval Agreement was an agreement between Britain and Germany stating that Germany could have 1/3 of the tonnage of the British Surface Fleet and equal tonnage of Submarines. It was thought by many that this was an act of appeasement by British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.
  • Chamberlain flies to Germany to discuss negotiations

    Chamberlain flies to Germany to discuss negotiations
    British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain flies to Germany to continue negotiations concerning the ongoing Sudetenland Crisis in Czechoslovakia. Chamberlain was confident that if he gave all of Sudetenland to Hitler he would be appeased. This was not the case. Hitler insisted that all of Czechoslovakia was to be dissolved and its territories given to Germany, Poland, and Hungary.
  • Mussolini enters negotiations

    Mussolini enters negotiations
    On September 28, British ambassador to Italy, Lord Perth, told Italy's foreign affairs minister, under instruction from Chamberlain, Galeazzo Ciano, to tell Mussolini to ask Hitler to delay his Ultimatum of the invasion of Czechoslovakia, Hitler agreed
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The four powers; Italy, France, Germany, and Britain meet to discuss the fate of the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia. A deal was reached in the early hours of September 30th at the Sudetenland was to be ceded to Germany by October 10th and the rest of Czechoslovakia was to given to Germany as well as long as Hitler would not pursue any more territorial gains
  • Bismarck Christened

    Bismarck Christened
    The German Battleship Bismarck was Germany's prize flagship from its launching to its sinking in 1941. It weighed over 40,000 tons and was in clear violation of the Versailles Treaty, something Hitler cared very little about
  • Tirpitz Christened

    Tirpitz Christened
    The Tirpitz, another one of Germany's Battleships that served during World War II, was the sister ship of the German Navy's flagship, the Bismarck. The Tirpitz also weighed over 40,000 tons and in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, but was heavier than the Bismarck due to improvements German designers added to her after learning from the Bismarck
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    On September 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland to create more Lebensraum or 'Living Space' for the German People and extinguish the Jewish Population.
  • Britain and France Declare War against Germany

    Britain and France Declare War against Germany
    Britain and France promised to come to Poland aid if Germany invaded, she did. 2 days after Germany's invasion of Poland, on September 3rd Britain and France declared war on Germany, starting World War II