World War I ends with German defeat
As reaching the end of the first World War, Germans had lost the war. But the end of World War I was just the beginning to a whole new set of problems and eventually, World War II. -
Signing of Treaty of Versailles
At the end of World War I, Germany lost severely. However Germany left plenty of destruction behind, and had to pay and give back the territories they had taken over. The Treaty of Versailles was made on June 1919 to make Germany pay for millions of dollars damage they had made during the war. -
Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of National Socialist (Nazi) Party
July 29th, 1921- After Germany's defeat, they want revenge. They turn to a great speaker who wants to "help" Germany, who would forever be the evil of World War II, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler slowly is growing more and more powerful in 1921, as he becomes leader of National Socialist (Nazi) Party. -
Adolf Hitler becomes Fuher of Germany
After President Hinderberg dies, Adolf Hitler becomes Fuhrer of Germany -
Germany admitted to the League of Nations
Stock Market Crash in U.S.
October 29, 1919- In the United States, the stock market crashed. -
Roosevelt becomes President of the United States
November 8th, 1932- Franklin Delano Roosevelt becomes the new president of the United States -
A new Chancellor of Germany
Even though Hinderberg became president of Germany, on January 30th, 1933 he names Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. -
The First Concentration Camp
The first concentration camp opens at Oranienberg outside of Belguim. -
Germany's Dictator
February 1st, 19The Enabling Acts permits Adolf Hitler to have dictatorship in Germany. Orginally, Adolf Hitler promised the people of Gemany he would stop unemployment, and pledged to promote peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union, but he would need the Enabling Acts to help him do this. -
Germany quits League of Nations
Nazis assasinate Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss
Germany invades Poland, marking World War II
Gemany invades Poland, Great Britain and France. Marking the beginning of World War II. -
World War II begins