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Events Leading Up to World War II

  • Treaty of Versailles is Signed

    Treaty of Versailles is Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed on this day. It imposed all blame of World War I on Germany. Germany was also the subject of African colonies being confiscated, having military and weapons limited, some land being given to other countries, and a reparation fee of $33 billion.
  • Washington Conference

    Washington Conference
    The Washington Conference occurs in Washington D. C. about problems in the Pacific and limiting navies. Several new treaties are signed.
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Stock Market Crashes
    The Wall Street stock market crashes, leading to the Great Depression. This affected the whole world and brought economies to a halt in growth.
  • Hitler Achieves Power

    Hitler Achieves Power
    On March 23, 1933, Hitler was given full power for four years. He quickly turned this into having full power forever. The Nazis knocked out political allies by making other parties illegal. They began turning Hitler's dreams into plans.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan created an excuse to invade China in 1937 to "begin" their "Greater Asian Co-prosperity Sphere." They took over Manchuria, and Shanghai and Nanking. The Nanking Massacre occurs.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland after already capturing Austria, the Rhineland, and the Sudetenland.
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    Great Britain and France declare war on Germany after they invade Poland on September 1. The previous two days had been spent trying to get Germany to withdraw with ultimatums, but they had been ignored.