The Great Northern War
It lasted from 1700 to 1721. The Great Northern War was lead by Peter the great of Russia. In 1700 Peter felt prepared to attack Sweden in order to ensure Russia’s way to the Baltic coast. His allies were Poland and Denmark. Peter won the war and as a result he created a new capitol, St. Petersburg, on the new territory he had won. -
The Decembrist Revolt
The Decembrist Revolt was when Russian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas , after he took over the throne after his brother Constantine removed himself from succession. The result of this was a revolt of the people, The leaders of this revolt were hung, and the remaining survivors were sent to siberia. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
The new czar Alexander II (After he succeded Nicholas I) introduced a series of reforms. The most important of these was the emancipation of the serfs in 1861. This new reform, gave liberty to millions of people. -
The Assassination of Alexander II
Alexander II was killed and rumors of the assasin stated the the assasin was jewish. The russians were mad and went to kill the jews and cause destruction of their property.This was the cause of the revolution of 1905. He was assasinated in the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, Russia. -
The Russo-Japanese War
Japan prepared for war by strengthening its army and navy. It also entered into an alliance with Great Britain. Japan broke diplomatic relations with Russia and launched a surprise torpedo attack on the Russian fleet at Port Arthur. Japan invaded the peninsula and had won a series of battles. Japan had won the southern half of the island of Sakhalin. -
Bloody Sunday
A wave of strikes broke out in St. Petersburg, But Nicholas was not in the city. Nicholas’s uncle, Grand Duke Vladimir, tried to stop the march and then ordered his police to fire upon the demonstrators. More than 100 marchers were killed, and several hundred were wounded. Because of all the people wounded, this was called Bloody Sunday, and this is also how he got the name Bloody Nicholas. -
The Revolution of 1905
False rumors stated that the assasin of Alexander II, was jewish, and because of this Russian mobs were sent in more than 200 cities and towns to attack Jews and destroy their property. The violence inspired mass emigration as Jewish families fled to western Europe and the United States. -
World War I
Russia mobilized its troops near the Austrian and German borders, purportedly to keep Serbia from being crushed. Russia won against Austria, captured lemberg, and the southern army continued fighting against Cracow. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the russian throne
Nicholas II was forced to abdicate the throne by petrograd insurgents. The army garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms, and Czar Nicholas II was forced to abdicate. After a secret meeting, a death sentence was passed on the imperial family, and Nicholas, his wife, his children, and several of their servants were shot and buried secretly. -
The March Revolution
was a revolution focused around Petrograd, which is now St, Petersburg. In the chaos, members of the Imperial parliament or Duma assumed control of the country. This formed the Russian Provisional Government.