events leading up to the declaration of independence

  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The British Board of trade called a meeting of 7 of the northern colonies at Albany. The purpose being that they needed to discuss colonial trade and the danger attacks by the French. This was created by Ben Franklin and was the to plan to set up Parliament in America. The plan was to have delegates from each of the 13 colonies and that person would have power to make war or peace etc.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    This law required the use of tax stamps on all legal document. The new laws were quickly denounced. These taxes were severe and brought on the "taxation without representation" . they had 9 of the 13 colonies meet up in New York to discuss the tax. There they prepared their strongest argument, The Declaration of Rights and Grievances.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    This happened when British soldiers in boston opened fire on a group of American colonists. This massacre only killed 5 American colonists. This caused the colonists to protest and want to detach from great britain even more.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A group of native american men boarded three ships and dumped the ships cargo into the sea to protest against the british control of tea trade. It sped up the process of making the declaration of independence because it resulted in the intolerable acts.
  • Intoleranble Acts

    Intoleranble Acts
    The acts were created to punish the colonists after the boston tea party. This being passed prompted widespread calls for the colonies to meet. Also this caused the first congress to meet and talk about the conditions in britain.
  • 1st Congress

    1st Congress
    They met during the first two years of George Washington presidency. The Founding Fathers opposed independence, but the did discuss the worsening situation and debated plans of action. A compromise was made and the Declaration of Rights was created and sent to King George III. In this they talked about the natural born subjects and how humans should live freely and without authority.
  • American Revolution (start)

    American Revolution (start)
    Started at concord and this is where paul revere had his famous ride to warn the colonists. This lasted from 1765 to 1783. This is where the colonists won their independence from great britain. They defeated the british in the american revolution. Also this resulted in the Declaration of Independence and their freedom from the british empire.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The battles had been fought 3 weeks before the 2nd congress met. With all the bloodshed many delegates questioned whether comprise with great britain was possible. Also this is where they started to question their attachment to great britain.
  • 2nd Congress

    2nd Congress
    The british refused to compromise. They reacted to the Declaration of Rights by even stricter and more repressive measures. The 2nd congress met in Philadelphia, but the Revolution had already begun.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    This was written by Thomas Jefferson and was adopted by the 2nd congress on July 4th,1776. This collectively took the first step to becoming the United States of America. Also this severed their political connections to great britain. This summarizes the colonists’ motivations to seek independence.
  • American Revolution (end)

    American Revolution (end)
    This lasted from 1765 to 1783. This is where the colonists won their independence from great britain. They defeated the british in the american revolution. Also this resulted in the Declaration of Independence and their freedom from the british empire.