Events leading up to the constitution.

  • 5000 BCE

    5000 BCE

    Dawn of Humanity.
  • 1607

    The 13 colonies created.
  • 1770

    Boston Massacre
  • 1773

    The Boston Tea Party
  • 1775

    "The Shot Heard 'Round the World"
  • 1775

    Revolutionary war begins.
  • 1775

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord.
  • 1775

    The Battle of Bunker Hill.
  • 1776

    Declaration of Independence.
  • 1777

    Battle of Saratoga.
  • 1778

    French joins the Americans in Rev war.
  • 1778

    Great Britain declares war on the French.
  • 1779

    Spanish declare war on Great Britain, send supplies to Colonies.
  • 1783

    Treaty of Paris Ratified
  • 1783

    Revolutionary war ends.
  • 1783

    Treaty of Paris signed.