Events leading up to American Revolution

  • Parliament passes Tea Act

    Colonists destory in Boston Tea Party
  • Intolerable Acts are passed

    Colonists organize First Continental Congress
  • Gage arrests Adam

    Gage ordered his troops to arrest Adam Hancock in Lexingtion to destroy the supplies in Concord
  • Britsh meet colonists

    More than 700 British troops reached Lexington. They found Capt. I. Pancer and 70 militamen
  • Colonists attack the British

    Americans attacked Britains Fort Ticonderoga on cake complain
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Moderats in Conrgress drafted the Olive Branch Petition and sent it to London to restore harmony
  • Washington trains militaints

    General Wahsington arrived at the militia camp near Boston. Gathered supplies and trained the army
  • Fighting begins at Lexington and Concord

  • Period: to

    The Road To The American Revolution

    The Road To The American Revolution
  • Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduces a key resolution

    Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced a key resolution. He called the colonies "free and independent states"
  • Colonies consider themselves independent from Great Britain

    Congress considered Lees resolution again despite some opposition the measure passed. The colonies now considered themselves independent from Great Britian
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence is signed
  • American Revolution

    America gains its indepedence from Britain
  • British troops derport to Boston

    Over 7,000 British soldiers deported to Boston in more than 100 ships