Events Leading to WWII

  • Mussolini's March on Rome

    Mussolini's March on Rome
    The March on Rome was when Benito Mussolini and his National Fascist Party marched into Rome and Mussolini quickly took control. Mussolini quickly came to rule Italy and Italy became a fascist country.
  • Japanese Invade Manchuria

    Japanese Invade Manchuria
    The invasion began with the Kwantung Army invading Manchuia, China. Japan eventually gain control of the city.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    President Paul van Hindenburg named Adolf Hitler the Chancellor of Germany, giving him more power in the government. Hitler won this position easily because the German people related to Hitler's frustration with the way Germany was treated and the state the country was in.
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    The Rape of Nanjing occurred in late 1937 when Imperial Japanese Army Forces invaded China. In a 6 week period somewhere from 20,000 to 80,000 women were sexually assaulted
  • German Annexation of Austria

    German Annexation of Austria
    In 1938 the Chancellor of Austria met with Adolf Hitler to reassert Austria as an independent country but instead he was bullied into making several Austrian Nazis members of the Cabinet. Days later Austria was declared a federal state of Germany
  • Soviet non-aggression Pact signed

    Soviet non-aggression Pact signed
    Right after WWII broke out the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed a pact agreeing not to take military action against each other for the next 10 years. This allied the Soviet Union and Germany for WWII.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany, under the rule of Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland to gain territory. Poland became under Hitler's rule.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor is the name of an American Naval Base in Hawaii that was attacked by hundreds on Imperial Japanese airplanes. The result lasted in about 2,000 dead American soldiers and another 1,000 wounded.