Events Leading to WWII

  • A Philip Randolph' march and Roosevelt's response

    A Philip Randolph' march and Roosevelt's response
    When the Pullman railroad company laid off workers and cut their wages, a nationwide strike called the Pullman strike started. Because of this, a march was threatened. An injunction was used to break the strike by the federal government.
  • Selective Service Act is passed

    Selective Service Act is passed
    This was an act issued by President Wilson that made it mandatory to have men from ages 21-30 registered for military services. After a few months, over 10 million men had registered all across the country in response to this draft. However, some men ran away to avoid being drafted.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact Signed

    Kellogg-Briand Pact Signed
    An agreement to outlaw war that was signed in Paris. 62 nations signed this agreement which promised to never use war or violence as a way of settling conflict. This pact had little effect in stopping the war and conflict that was rising.
  • Period: to

    Japan Invades Manchuria

    The Japanese Kwangtung Army attacked Chinese troops in Manchuria in an event known as the Manchurian Incident. This was an attempt of the Japanese Empire to control the whole provide, and eventually all of East Asia.
  • Hitler is named Chancellor of the Nazi Party in Germany

    Hitler is named Chancellor of the Nazi Party in Germany
    President Paul von Hindenburg named Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany after being heavily convinced by Franz von Papen. Hitler's emergence as chancellor is not only a turning and critical point for Germany, but also for the world.
  • Enabling Act of 1933 is Issued

    Enabling Act of 1933 is Issued
    An amendment passed by the German Reichstag that helped Hitler (in the German cabinet) to assume doctoral powers. The formal and first title of this act was The Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich. His plans included the government building going out of use for German parliment and his team using the Opera House.
  • Neutrality Act of 1935 signed

    Neutrality Act of 1935 signed
    Congress passed this neutrality act that imposed a general embargo on trading in arms and war materials with all countries involved in the war. It also forbade American ships from entering war zones and from being armed.
  • FDR wins a third term as president

    FDR wins a third term as president
    Though unprecedented by Washington's actions, Roosevelt was elected and re-elected 3 times by this point, and later goes on to serve a 4th term. He is the only president to have served more than 2 terms.
  • Lend-Lease program enabled

    Lend-Lease program enabled
    This allowed the US to be able to give aid both, financially and through resources, to foreign countries without having to be involved in the war. This act gave the US the power to lend support to countries in the war without being directly involved in it.
  • Japanese attack on Pearl harbor

    Japanese attack on Pearl harbor
    An surprise attack by the Japanese Aircraft on the naval base at Pear Harbor. This attack killed thousands of Americans and brought America fully into the war.
  • Adolf Hitler Declares War against the United States

    Adolf Hitler Declares War against the United States
    Hitler declared war and brought the US, who had been neutral, into European conflict. Hitler claimed that the failure of the New Deal was the real cause of the war, and that was why he declared war on the United States.