Hitler Rises to Power
Hitler joined the anitcommunist German Worker's Party and became the leader, and renamed it Nazi. This launches Hitler's political career. He later made a group called the Storm Troopers which attacks his opponents. -
League of Nations
The League of Nations was created to keep the peace between nations managing their negotiations. Many nations joined and created alliances. However, Germany left the League of Nations which did not settle well with other nations. -
Germany and Costs
Germany could not pay its war reparations. To collect, France seized the Ruhr Valley, which provoked a national outrage in Germany. This completely eroded the value of the German mark, which wiped out the savings of the middle class. -
Great Depression
The USSR, Germany, Italy and Japan were thriving with dictatorship, national planning, and militarism. Military campaigns were created which was costly. The cost of maintaining the armed forces began exorbitant and only war victories could pay for them. To achieve victories countries needed ever increasing militarism. -
The Zaibatsu
Japan seized Chinese arsenals in Manchuria, and began to take over the province. They blamed China for the murder of a Japanese officer, and boycotts of Japanese goods. This lead to World War II because led Japan to drop out of the League of Nations. -
Nazi Propaganda Machine
This machine indoctrinated the nation which spreading "the big lie". Hitler set the nation to work on public works programs. He also urged Germany to become self- sufficient. -
Night of the Long Knives
Hitler had the SS murder many leading Nazi's he viewed as opens or rivals. Opposition leaders were killed or sent to concentration camps. Churches were forbidden to criticize the government, and were encouraged to cut ties with denominations. The government also encouraged the pre-Christin god. -
The Spanish Civil War
This event was a "dress rehearsal" for the war because Germany sent Italy men, money and weapons to aid Franco. The Soviet Union sent technicians, political advisors and equipment for the republican government. The republicans won which later turned into a civil war with the nationalists. -
Japan Invades China
The goal was to takeover China with Japanese troops that were stationed by Beijing. This event is significant because it was considered the beginning of World War II, also the League of Nations condemned Japan because of their actions -
Hitler and Czechoslovakia
Germans persuaded Czechoslovakia to sign their own death warrant. Germans took over Czechoslovakia, which lead Russia to think about fighting for Czechoslovakia, but didn't because France of Britain did not want to help. This event led to WWII because it made surrounding countries upset because Germany was not following the rules of the Peace Treaty