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Events Leading to WWII

  • Treaty of Versaille

    Treaty of Versaille
    The treaty of Versailles was an treaty that the allies signed after WWI. This treaty indirectly started WWII as it angered the german people by destroying its economy, angered the Italian by not giving the lands promised, and angered the Japanese by also restricting lands.
  • League of Nations was Officially Created

    League of Nations was Officially Created
    Post WWI the the allies created a peace keeping group known as the League of Nations. This group held significance as many who left it would go and fight with the axis. (Japan, Italy)
  • Benito Mussolini was Elected Prime Minister

    Benito Mussolini was Elected Prime Minister
    Benito Mussolini became the first fascist leader in Europe. His election also showed leaders like Hitler the way to gain power in Europe.
  • France and Belgium take the Ruhr Valley

    France and Belgium take the Ruhr Valley
    After Germany was not able to pay their reparations, France and Belgium take over the Ruhr valley. The ruhr valley takeover completely decimated the German economy allowing leaders like Hitler to gain power.
  • Hitler Writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler Writes Mein Kampf
    Mein Kampf was a book of Hitler's ideas on the future of germany, It was anti semetic and the foundation of the Nazi party.
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    When appointed as the Chancellor of Germany, Hitler was able to institute many of the ideals he expressed in Mein Kampf. His nationalistic attitude combined with his incredible power was the perfect mix for another war.
  • Japan Leaves LON

    Japan Leaves LON
    Japan leaving the LON was an early sign of lines being drawn. By leaving the LON, Japan was siding with Germany, starting the axis powers. After leaving the LON, Japan invaded Manchuria, showing the LON that Japan did not follow their rules or ideals anymore.
  • Germany Creates Nuremburg Laws

    Germany Creates Nuremburg Laws
    The Nuremburg Laws were the first major laws in Germany put in place to persecute jews. The rally also showed the world the power of the Nazi government over its people, and the powerful army it possessed.
  • Italy Leaves LON

    Italy Leaves LON
    Italy leaving the LON was when the lines for WWII were fully drawn. After Italy left, there was an obvious split between the axis and allied countries.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    Hitler invaded Poland on September 1st 1939. This was the official start of WWII and showed the allies the alarming rate in which Germany could conquer.