germany had the greatest increase in the mititary build up -
world war 1
world war I begins -
Japan invades manchuria
japanese invasion sought to make all of east asia, including chinese manchuria part of its empire -
Rise of the Nazi party in pariliament
the nazi party under the leadership of hilter made a strong showing in germany parliament elections, gaining a majority of the reichstag -
Annexation of austria
Hitler originally from austria, took back his german speaking homeland -
hitler and austria
hitler sends toops to march into austria unoppsed and the next day annoucing that its union with austria was complete -
Germany invades czechoslovakia
germany demands for the sudetenland, a area in czechoslovakia which was german speaking were met by the munich conference -
Munich Conference
russia, britain, france, germany and italy met in munich germany to discuss hitlers acts of aggression towards czechoslovakia -
Italy invades albania
italy attempeted to mimic hitlers conquest of prague by invading the balkin country of albania -
Nazi-soviet non aggression pact
to eliminate a two front war Hitler was determined to make a pact with the soviets. -
Fall of france (battle of france)
germans forces begin advancing towards france and the low countries. the german invasion towards france was completed in six weeks. -
germany brakes the pact
germany invades the soviet union braking the non aggression pact of 1939 which was a treaty promising not to attack eachother. -
Japan attacks pearl harbor
Even though pearl harbor was located in hawaii, it was the united states deep-water naval base. the empire of japan sent japanese carrier based planes to sweep in without warning leaving 2,280 dead and 1,109 wounded military casualties and 69 cicilians dead. -
United states and WWII
United States declares war on japen for the attack on pearl harbor.