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Events Of The Revolutionary war

  • Tax Act

    Tax Act
    British told the the colonists they must pay tax to fund for the French & Indies war
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On a cold night Bostonian threw snow balls and sticks at the redcoats starting a fight that Paul Revere named the bloody massacre.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Bostonian men ran throw town dressed as Mohawk indies and threw tea off ships to protest the tax act.
  • Batte Of Lexington

    Batte Of Lexington
    Paul Revere warns the colonist army's of British solders and the deadly battle and famous shot herd round the world had begin.
  • The Battle Of Bunker Hill

    The Battle Of Bunker Hill
    Rebels and redcoats fought on breeds hill in 1775. Rebels lost the hill but they weren't giving up.