events leading to the start of world war 2 in europe

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    Konstantin Von Neurath-German foreign minister

    followed revisionist policy aimed at overcoming the restrictions imposed on germany by the Treaty of Versiles
  • german withdrawal from the league of nations

    german withdrawal from the league of nations
    plans to reduce the likelihood of war though general disarmament conference in Geneva. the new government oposed the french plan.
  • italy's invasion of abyssinia

    italy's invasion of abyssinia
    mussolini amassed troops on the abyssinian border. in october he launched a full invasion. haile selassie asked the leauge of nations for help . however, they were too slow and Mussolini conquered Abyssinia.
  • german rearamament

    german rearamament
    hitler announced a 4 year plan to rearm Germany. He pledge that by 1940 germany will be fully prepared for war.
  • the Rhineland

    the Rhineland
    in March 1936, HItler ordered that his trooops sould onpenly re-enter the Rhineland thus breaking the terms of Versailles agian. He did order his generals that the military should retreat out of the Rhineland if the French showed the slightest hint of making a military stand agianst him. This did not occur. Over 32,000 soldiers and armed policemen crossed into the Rhinelad.
  • austria

    when the wehrmacht marched into Austria in 1938 they fulfilled one of Hitler's life long ambitions, the 'return' of German-Austria to the Greater German Reich
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    Joachim Von Ribbentrop

    Nazi paty member, Former Ambassador to Great Britian, German Foreign Prime Minister.
  • spanish civil war

    spanish civil war
    hitlers involvement in the spanish civil war was consistent with alarger Nazi foreign policy aimed at diverting british and french attention from the central and eastern europe so thay he would be unhindered in his plans for eastern expansion.
  • Czechoslavakia

    The German invasion of Czechoslavakia in March 1939 gave rise to a new resolve in the British and French governments to confront agression and guarantee Poland's independence.