The Missouri Compromise
This was a temporary solution to the issue of slavery in territories. It states that any states added under Mason-Dixon line would be slave states and any above would not be. -
Nat Turner's Rebelion
This was a slave rebellion in Virginia that went around targeting women and children. This angered many people at the time causing an uproar. -
Wilmont Provisio
This was created to try and eliminate slavery in the states/territories gained from the Mexican War. -
Fugitive Slave Act
It was apart of the Compromise of 1850. This was to keep the south happy. It stated that runaway slaves were to be returned to the owners. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
This was a novel wrote by Harriet Beecher Stowe to explain to the north how bad slavery actually was because they did not realize how bad it actually was. -
Formation of Republican Party
The republican party farose from the conflict in Kansas. They were against the spread of slavery and formed from the free-soilers. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
This allowed the people of Kansas and Nebraska to decide whether they wanted to have slavery in their territory or not. (popular sovereignty) -
"Bleeding Kansas"
This was a fight between the people who wanted slavery and people who did not want slavery in Kansas. Groups for and against slavery sent people there to try and get the state how they wanted. This caused much conflict. This continued into the civil war. -
Congressman Preston Brooks Beats Senator Charles Sumner
Charles Sumner was calling out other congressman for being pro-slavery. He even started to personally insult people personally. Preston Brooks had enough so he caned Charles Sumner for what he did. -
Dred Scott Decision
This was a supreme court case decision that stated slaves that lived in free territories were still property if they they had a master because they were considered property. -
Lincoln vs Douglas Debates
Lincoln challenged Douglass to senatorial debates to see who the public like better. Douglas ended up winning the election, but Lincoln won the popular vote showing the people like him better. -
John Brown Revolt
John Brown and 21 other men, 5 being slaves, raided a fort trying to end the institution of slavery, but ended up spreading awareness for abolition. -
Lincoln Won Election of 1860
Abrahan Lincoln won the election of 1860 even though 10 southern states did nto even put him on the ballot. This deeply angered the south eventually causing them to secede. -
The Confederate States of America
The sic states from the south seceded because of the election of 1860 to create the Confederate States of America. South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Texas seceded to make the new "country."