controversy over slave states and free states
the north wanted the number of slave states to remain equal. they had no need for slavey and disliked it. -
fugitive slave act
an act was passedthat stated that if a slave made it to the north thy had to be sent back. this pleased many southerners and angered northeners. -
uncle toms cabin
an abolitionist book writen by harriet beecher stowe. it told the world ofthe evils of slavery. -
bleeding kansas
northeners and southerners moved to kansas to make sure it became a free state or slave state. conflict arose when they met and there was a small scale civilwar that was fought here. -
dred scott desicion
dred scott was a slave who lived in the north for a short time with his master. he demanded his freedom but the supreme court ruled he couldnt because he wasnt counted as a citizen -
lincoln-douglas debates
lincoln and douglas debated over slavery and ran against each other for senator of ilinois. lincoln stated that slavery was wrong but legal. -
douglas wins election
douglas became senator of ilinois. lincoln became famous -
harpers ferry
a group of northners raided a federal arsenal. they did this to incite slave rebellions. -
election of 1860
lincoln ran for president. he became president and the south seceded. -
fort sumter
a union fort was attacked by the confederates. the union surrendered.
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