
events leading to the american revolution

  • French And Indian War (1754-1763)

    French And Indian War (1754-1763)
    This war was French and Indians vs British and Colonist they all wnated land.
    brition lost a lot of money an went into debt,so they started taxing colonist to pay back there debt.
  • Period: to

    events leading to the revolution

    many events lead to the revalotion
  • Proclomation of 1763

    Proclomation of 1763
    Parlament passed law saying colonist cant go west of the app moutains.
    Colonist were mad,because they wanted more land.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Colonist were forced to house british soilders know as the red coats.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The British taxed all papers,
    it was the first law from the britsh.
  • bouston massicre

    bouston massicre
    soilders were being made fun of bye some colonist so they got there guns and killed 5 people
  • bouston tea party

    bouston tea party
    the tea party was when the colonist did not want to pay for tea from britan so they dressed up as indians and throw it in the sea
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    delegetes got together to discuss how to settle problems they were having with the britsh