Events Leading To Schindlers List

  • The Effects of War

    WWI. Germany was effected which lead to growth of Hitler.
  • Hitler Becomes Chancelor

    Under Hitler's rule, the Jews civil rights are eliminated. Concentration camps are first built. Jewish businesses destroyed, therefore have no legal rights.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nazi policies against Jews. Any Jewish connection with a pure German Prohibited, and much more laws banning things from Jews.
  • Nazi Party

    Oskar Schindler joins the Nazi party.
  • The Beginning of Oskar Schindlers Journey

    Oskar moves to Kraków looking for business.
  • Krakow Ghetto

    A ghetto is created for Jews to stay in for now. Oskar Schindler is starting to be recognized.
  • The Wannsee Conference

    The Final Solution is in place to eliminate the Jews. Oskar becomes aware of the situation and gives information to some Jewish organizations.
  • The Beginning of the Factory

    Jews are move from the ghettos to the labor camps. Oskar Schindler creates as camp at his factory where Jews are treated better.
  • Creates the List

    Oskar starts saving Jews by creating his list of workers needed at his factory. He moves his factory with his Jews to Brinnlitz.
  • The End

    WW II ends and camps are liberated. Schindler manages to save many of his workers and some other Jews during the Holocaust.
  • Oskar Dies

    After leaving Germany then coming back Oskar dies pennyless in his home in Germany.
  • Oskar Is Commemorated

    Oskar Schindler and his wife Emilie Schindler are awarded "righteous Among the Nations" for their efforts saving Jews during the Holocaust.