America Withdraws from European affairs.
With the lack of a responsible leader at the London Economic Conference. The United States withdrew due to the U.S not liking the European's economic plans. This left the conference with no progress at its closing. -
Germany secedes from League of Nations
Germany withdrew from the League of Nations so that it could rebuild its army to its own liking. Though the League of Nations was weak, it proved to be a hinderance to the country who intended to do what it wanted. -
Good Neighbor Policy
With the economic problems mounting the U.S decided to end its sending of troops to Latin American countries. This move also was meant to relieve some of the bitterness America recieved from Latin America. -
Japan Withdraws from Washington Naval Treaty
With a limit of armaments that a navy could have being set in this treaty. Japan seceded from it in order to build a vast navy to its liking. -
Neutrality Act of 1935
This document set out America's attitude towards war. In this the U.S would embargo any nations in a state of war in orderto stay neutral. -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
Hoping to expand food production, Benito Mussolini, invades Ethiopia. This invasion also was to help Italy acheive control of the Mediterranean. -
Neutrality Act of 1936
This act ensured the same views as the last for the next 14 months. But, also in this act the amercans didn't tolerate the lending of money to belligerents and warmongers. -
Germany militarizes the Rhineland
Going directly against the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler, invades the Rhineland. This is the first of many iltary invasions by Germany. -
Rome-Berlin Axis formed
With strong military ties between both countries. Germany and Italy sign an alliance treaty in order to ensure their dominances. -
Neutrality Act of 1937
Again the United States sets fourth a treaty in order to remain neutral in the eyes of European nations. This act also outlawed the trading of armaments with Spain. -
Japan Invades China
Beginning with the bombing of the Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing, Japan began a full invasion of China, hoping to acquire the vast natural resources China contained. -
Austria Merges into Germany
Continuing his plan of reuniting all German-speaking people, Hitler demanded that Kurt von Schuschnigg, the chancellor of Austria, agree to all of his terms.If he were to disagree, Hitler would simply take the country by force. -
Hitler invades Czechoslovakia
Only half a year after signing the Munich Agreement, Hitler sent his troops into the Slovak side of Czechoslovakia, mainly populated by non-German-speaking people.The appeasement that created "peace for our time" had ultimately failed. -
Albania Invaded by Italy
Mimicking Hitler's territorial conquests, Mussolini ordered Italian troops into the Balkan country of Albania in order to gain control of the Adriatic Sea. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Shocking the world, Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression pact officially named the "Treaty of Non-aggression Between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics."Before this, communist USSR and fascist Germany were basic enemies simply because of their political views. -
Start of World War 2
With the invasion of Poland by Germany on this date. The Second World War begun with the subsequent declarations of war being issued by Britain and France upon Germany. The United States had not become involved until the attack on Pearl Harbor.