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Events in WW1 and the end of WW1

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    Wilsons presidency term

    Woodrow Wilson served March 4, 1913 till March 4, 1921
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    WW1 timeframe

    Started August of 1914 to November of 1918
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    Great migration timeline

    First large Urban black communities in North. 1915
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    Was a British ocean liner that a german submarine sank in WW1
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    Year of the first women elected to Congress

    Jeannette Rankin of Montana was elected in 1916 as a member of the Republican party
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    Lenin led a Russian Revolution

    Leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik party leader Valdimir Lenin launched a nearly coup defat against the provisional government
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    Selected service act

    Authorized by the Federal Government to raise a national army for American entry of World War 1
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    Espionage Act

    Federal law passed on June 15, 1917, shortly after the US entry into WW1
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    Wilsons 14 points

    Was a statement of principles for peace that was to be used for peace negotiations in order to end World War 1
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    Sedition Act

    Was an Act of the United states congress that extended the Espionage Act of 1917 to cover offenses, notably speech, and the expression of opinion
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    Schenk vs. US

    Is a Supreme court case concerning enforcement of the Espionage Act of 1917
  • Palmer Raids

    Palmer Raids
    1920 involved mass arrests and deportation of radicals at the height of the past- WW1 era Red scare
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    US senate rejects Treaty of Versailles

    Rejected due to the opposition of a group of senators called the irrecanciables (people who believed the united states would loose too much of its autonomy
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    US rejects league of Nations membership

    November 19,1919 treaty of versailles that ended World War 1 and provided a new world body
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    19th Amendment

    The right of citizens in the US to vote and not be denied by sex or race and by the state
  • World Series

    World Series
    New york giants won world series on October 13th 1921
    score was 5-3 defeating the yankees
  • Fitzgerald Gatsby

    Fitzgerald Gatsby
    F. Scott Fitzgerald published the novel The Great Gatsby on April 10, 1925. So popular it was made into a movie in 2013
  • Mickey Mouse

    Mickey Mouse
    Mickey Mouse was and still is a famous cartoon show. First appearance was on November 18,1928 in Steamboat Willie. Was voiced by the creator Walt Disney
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    Influenza (flu) epidemic

    Killed more people than the Great War, known as the Spanish flu
  • Gandhi's Salt March

    Gandhi's Salt March
    The salt march took place on March to April 1930 in India. Was to protest civil disobedience for British rule in India. Led by Monads Gandhi.(Finally granted independence a year before Gandhi died in 1948)