Events in the year 1839

  • Period: to


  • Detroit Boat Club

    Detroit Boat Club forms (& still exists)
  • Steam Shovel

    Steam shovel patented by William Otis, Philadelphia
  • Black Allies Shipped

    Seminoles & black allies shipped from Tampa Bay Florida, to West
  • OK use

    1st recorded use of "OK" [oll korrect] (Boston's Morning Post)
  • Decleration of Rights

    Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed
  • 1st Baseball Game

    1st baseball game played in America
  • Kingdom of Hawaii

    In the Kingdom of Hawaii, Kamehameha III issues the Edict of toleration which gives Roman Catholics the freedom to worship in the Hawaiian Islands. The Hawaii Catholic Church and the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace is later established as a result
  • 1st State School

    1st state normal school in US opens, Lexington, Mass, with 3 students
  • Great Fire

    Great fire in NY
  • 1st US anti-slavery

    1st US anti-slavery party, Liberty Party, convenes in NY