Thewhippingboy cover

Events in The Whipping Boy

  • Whipping Boy

    Prince Brat gets in trouble
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    Events of The Whipping Boy

  • Whipping Boy

    The whipping boy gets whipped because it is his job to be whipped when the Prince misbehaves.
  • Whipping Boy

    The Prince decides to run away and takes Jemmy with him.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy and the Prince run into 2 outlaws, Hold Your Nose Billy and Cutwater.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy writes a note that says that the King should give the outlaws a cartload of gold and then the Prince will be returned. Jemmy plans to send the Prince to the castle with the note.
  • Whipping Boy

    Prince Brat says he will take the note to the castle when he wants to and doesn't intend to follow Jemm's plan.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy and Prince Brat escape from the outlaws and get chased.
  • Whipping Boy

    Prince Brat follows Jemmy and they meet Betsy who is looking for her bear Petunia.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy and Prince Brat are mudlarking and they meet the Hot Potato Man.
  • Whipping Boy

    The outlaws caught up to Jemmy and Prince Brat and whip Prince Brat (who they actually think is the whipping boy) for escaping.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy and the Prince go with the Hot Potato Man to the fairgrounds.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy and Prince Brat have to hide in the sewer system as they are being chased by the outlaws.
  • Whipping Boy

    The outlaws end up covered in rats and Jemmy and Prince Brat escape from them.
  • Whipping Boy

    Jemmy and Prince Brat go to the castle and the King says they should take him with them next time they run off an adventure.