Events in the History of Education

By kynlww1
  • Founding of Jamestown Colony

    The first successful English Settlement in America was founded.
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    Events in the History of Education

  • Harvard College

    The United States oldest learning institution.
  • New England Primer

    Promoted literacy and Public education.
  • Young Ladies Academy of Philadelphia

    First institution for women's higher education in the United States.
  • Troy Female Seminary

    An institution that provided females with the same level of education as a male. Gave females an equal educational opportunity.
  • New England Asylum for the Blind

    First school for blind children. It created an equal opportunity for them to be able to have an education just like a normal functioning student.
  • Massachusetts Compulsory Attendance Act

    Law passed to regulate child labor to ensure that children were not being overworked.
  • Elizabeth Peabody's Boston Kindergarten

    Opened the first English language kindergarten institiution
  • Tuskegee Institute was Founded (Presently Tuskegee University)

    The first higher level institiute for education was founded for African Americans
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Fought for equal rights for all races in public schools. The point was to end segregation in schools between races, all races should be viewed as equal.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESAE)

    Pushed equality on education for all socioeconomic levels. Wanted lower income students to be treated just like higher income students- everyone is entitled to the same level of education.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Fought for all genders to have equal opportunities and rights to education.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act (PL-94-142)

    Disabled children now have rights to an equal education/ a better curriculum for them.
  • No Child Left Behind

    Improvements to disadvantaged student's education.
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    Support programs for low income families in schools to help out financially with things such as supplies, meals, transportation, etc.