Events in the History of Education

  • First Latin Grammar School

    Boston Latin School, the oldest existing school in the US started taxes for public education
  • Massachusetts Bay Law School

    The historical first step toward government directed public education
  • New England Primer

    promoted literacy and public education
  • Some Thoughts Concerning Education, by John Locke

    Thought only moral, social, and vocational knowledge should be taught in schools
  • Charles Town, South Carolina Public Library

    The first publicly supported library
  • American Philosophical Society

    Scholarly organization that promoted science and research
  • New England Asylum for the Blind

    1st school for blind children giving them equal educational opportunities.
  • Horace Mann appointed Secretary, Massachusetts State Board if Education

    Overhauled the states public school system. Established schools to train teachers.
  • National Teachers Association Founded

    Promise to succeed every child to be successful in the world.
  • Department of Education created

    promotes student achievement and prep for global competitiveness by fostering excellence
  • first Montessori School opened in America

    Helped early education students develop skills and abilities by playing games
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Court stripped away constitutional sanctions for segregation by race and made equal opportunity.
  • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

    Ensures that no educational opportunity is denied to women on basis of sex and that women are granted equal opportunities.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Allows students with disabilities to receive high quality interventions that maximize their learning potential
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    Expanded role in education and aimed at improving the disadvantaged students.