Events in the Cold War

By Jaceon
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine
    Created on March 12th, 1947, The Truman Doctrine was a pledge to provide economic and military aid to oppose the spread of communism. The U.S. had helped other nation rebuild so they wouldn't turn to communism. []
  • The Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan
    Beginning in April 8th, 1948, the Marshall Plan was a plan created by the U.S. that provided $13 billion to Europe for rebuilding. Thanks to the Marshall Plan, Western Europe made a fast recovery from World War II and helped preserve political stability.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was a massive effort that went from June 24th, 1948 to May 12th, 1949 organized by the west to support the cut off West Berlin from the air. The Soviets had blocked all water routes, rails, and land of West Berlin in hopes the West would leave Berlin, which is what led to the Berlin Airlift.
  • The Nuclear Arms Race

    The Nuclear Arms Race
    In 1949, after the West heard that a Soviet Test of an atomic bomb was a success, the U.S. immediately sought to develop stronger weapons. Both sides kept creating nuclear weapons hoping to gain an advantage in weapons until it had ended after many policies agreed between both sides that effected their nuclear weapons.
  • NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a military alliance between several American and European countries based on the North Atlantic Treaty signed in April 4th, 1949. NATO was created to counter Soviet power in Europe and consists of Albania, Belgium, Bulgari, Canada, Crotia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxenbourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, UK, & US
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    After taking control of the Korean Peninsula after World War II, the Soviet Union and U.S. had agreed to temporarily divide the country in half, with the Soviet Union establishing a communist government n the North and the U.S. supporting a non-communist regime in the South. due to this, in June 25th, 1950, North Korea attacked the South hoping to united all of Korea as one big communist nation. After going back and forth and a long stalemate, the war ended in July 27th 1953 with little changed
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    A collective defense treaty signed on May 14th, 1955, and dissolved in July 1st, 1991, was a military alliances between Albania, Bulgaria, Czechslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union, all were communist countries. The Warsaw Pact was created as a balance of power to NATO and was the Eastern half of the Cold War.
  • The Final Years of European Colonization in Africa

    The Final Years of European Colonization in Africa
    In 1956, Egypt had taken over the Suez Canal, which had been controlled by Britain and France. After Allied powers fought Europe, the Soviets threatened to fight with Egypt, and to avoid a larger war, the West halted their attacks. Numerous colonies created power struggles and all gained their freedom.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    A confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union occurred over the installation of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. It wasn't until the Soviets agreed to dismantle the weapons and return them to the Soviet Union in exchange for the U.S. declaring and agreeing to avoid invading Cuba again that the crisis had passed.
  • SALT I and II

    SALT I and II
    The two negotiations known as the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (SALT) were negotiations to limit the number of nuclear weapons held by each side. It also created the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty to prevent either side from shooting down the others missiles. This was done to make both sides vulnerable and thus, reduce chance of nuclear war.