
Events in American History from 1700 to 1800

  • The First Great Awakening

    The First Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies to unite together.
  • Jonathan Edwards’ Famous Sermon

    John Edwards gives his famous sermon of the First Great Awakening called “Sinners in the hands of an angry God.” This sermon impacted many people to turn from their evil ways or God would punish those who did not adhere to the Bible’s commands.
  • French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War)

    The French and Indian War was a seven years’ war between England and the American Colonies against the French and some of the Indians in North America. The war ended with France no longer in control of Canada and American colonies defeating the Indians.
  • The Declaration of Independence Was Signed

    The Declaration of Independence was the first formal pledge by America that they would no longer be under Great Britain but establish their own government.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This Treaty of Paris officially ended the American Revolutionary War between Britain and America and also set geographic boundaries for the new United States.
  • George Washington Was Elected as President

    After the American Revolutionary War, George Washington was elected as the first president of the United States.
  • The Invention of the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney created the cotton gin that made it possible to efficiently separate seeds from fibers. This invention revolutionized southern agriculture.
  • Alien Act

    The Alien Act allowed the federal government to deport foreign nationals or "aliens" who seemed to pose a national security threat.