Hitler becames Chancellor of Germany
When government struggle to fix economic issue such as a severe depression, the people look for someone who can solve the issue.Hitler is appointed Chancellor. Before Hilter was actually in prison because of joining a small Nazi party, who tried to rebel. While in prison, he wrote the book "Mein Kemp" which would explain Germany's problems. He blamed the Jewish people for severe depression. This book allows us to see his plan for the future and hatred toward different groups. -
Poland falls to Germany
Hilter strikes Poland hard! This attack on Poland is the beginning of WWII. Hitler uses the tactic of bliztkrieg which is a sudden attack which come from three different directions. Poland could not be saved by France or Britian whom declared war on Germany, As a result, Poland fell to Germany in a month, This is just the beginning of many countries falling to Germany. Aggression by the Axis power is not called out by the Allies. The Allies just let it happen which leads to future problems. -
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor is a United States Navy's main Pacific base. The Japanses was trying to prevent United States from being involved in influences Japan's war effort in Southeast Asia. The attack had two waves. The first is main attack which includes ships and airfield. The second destory anything that has yet been destoryed. The suprise attack allowed heavy losses for American such as 2,500 people killed, 8 battleships incredibly damage, and many more. Pearl Harbor lights the fire for the U.S. -
United States Enters the War
The United States isolated themsevles from WWII. Even though the Untied States helps the Allie sides nonchalantly, the United States always had a political division between isolationists and interventionists. After Pearl Harbor, that division was broken. The United States would join the Allies Side. The United States brought strength and power against the Axis powers that would later work in the Allies favor. -
Wannsee Conference
This conference was not in favor of the Jews. Hilter had influenced Nazi leader to follow his "Final Solution". This conference is where Reinhard Heydrich, a SS leader, made concrete plans on how to exterminate 11,000,000 Jews. During the conference the word "kill" was not verbally said, but it was implied. Poland had Auschwitz which was the largest death camp. -
Battle of Midway
In the eyes of Admiral Yamamoto, a Japanses commander, he saw of that the United States Navy was still a mass threat. The Japanses planned an attack on the U.S in hoping they will be pushing the American defenses back to the California coast. Chester Nimitz, U.S.commander, knew the plans because of intercepting a Japanses message. Japan lost four aircraft carriers and plenty experienced pilots,but the US only losing one aircraft carrier. This battle stoped the unstoppable Japan. -
Hilter wanted to control the rich Caucasus oild fields. Hilter must take control of Stalingrad first. The Germans advance slowly, but the Russians are able to counterattack. Hilter refused for his army to surrender. The Germans had became sick, straving, and had little strenght because the battle lasted longer than expect. When Germany troops surrended on January 31, 1943 , this changed the war forever. This battle ended the realistic plan of Hilter being the most powerful figure in the world. -
Roise the Riveter
A woman can do whatever a man does. The war required women to go to work because the men had gone off to fight. Women would perform jobs such as heavy industry that weren't the typical type of job for them during this time period. This also ended the expectation of the women ending their jobs once they got married. This war changed the way women were looked at forever. -
As a solider, you must make sacifices. The Allies planned an attack on Germany. Utah, June, Omaha, Gold, Sword were the codenames of the beaches the Allies were going to use to attack German. Germans were in a small concrete pillbox that would be firing at the in coming opponent . Although many lives were lost, the Americans are in a step by step process that would take them to Berlin, the capital of Germany. Germany will have to fight a two-front war now that will be hopeless for them. -
Battle of the Bulge
Suprises can sometimes be deadly in a war. The American had a bulge in their line due to the fact tha they were caught off guard by the Germans, Germany gained hold of key cities. The sky conditions where not allowing the Allies bombers to attack German positions. On Dec 23, the sky became clear and the Allies attacked Germany. This allowed them to push Germany all the way out of France. This battle demoralized Germany's troop. This also allowed Hitler to see that he has very little time left. -
United States bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Matthanttan Project allowed the U.S to gain possesion of an atomic bomb. Truman decide to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagaski in order to save American lives. The first bomb was dropped at Hiroshima which killed or went missing 60,000 Japanese within two minutes. The United States dropped the second bomb on Nagasaki on August 9. Emperor Hirohito thougth it would be best if Japan would surrender. Victory in Japan was celebrated on August 15 through out the Allies countries.