Events from the 50's to now

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  • Start of Korean War

    Start of Korean War
    : On June 25, 1950 North Korea sent forces as a surprise attack on South Korea. The President to send help to South Korea was President Harry S. Truman. When American forces combined with South Korean forces marched in to North Korea this was retaliated by communist China forces coming to help defend North Korea.
  • Disneyland is built

    Disneyland is built
    Walt Disney had a dream were families could go to have fun and love each other. This dream was Disneyland. He found the best spot with the help of the Stanford Research Institute. It was a 160 acre orange grove near the junction of the Santa Ana Freeway and Harbor Boulevard. This first Disneyland was started on July 21, 1954.
  • Rosa Parks Refuses to give up her seat on the bus

    Rosa Parks Refuses to give up her seat on the bus
    Rosa Parks was known as the “mother of civil rights”, for not moving out of a seat on a bus. By not moving for a white man when asked on a bus she Parks started a city-wide boycott. And in return the city had no choice but to lift the law on segregation on public buses. For this Rosa Parks got the NAACP’s highest award.
  • NASA Program begins

    NASA Program begins
    NASA was started in 1958, and since then they have created and done feats thought undoable by man. Such as sending people in to space and creating new technology. They also using all of their new technology have figured out that the earth is just a very very small thing in an entire universe.
  • The Rise of Fidel Castro

    The Rise of Fidel Castro
    Fidel Castro became the dictator of Cuba in 1959. But in leading up up to this he was sent to a Cuban prison for trying to stop General Fulgencio Batista the current dictator of Cuba in 1952. Castro got out of prison after two years and went to Mexico training in the art of guerilla warfare. Castro came back to Cuba on December 2, 1956 with a band of guerilla warriors. On January 1, 1959 Batista gave up and surrendered. Castro took over in July 1959.
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  • The Bay of Pigs invasion

    The Bay of Pigs invasion
    The Bay of Pigs or Bahia de Cochinos, was the site where 1300 Cuban exiles revolted against the Cuban government. These exiles were trained and armed by America. The plain to over throw Fidel Castros Communist government in Cuba, by sending in these 1300 exiles was approved by John F. Kennedy. The plain failed because Castros army was too strong for the exiles.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis is just how it sounds; the Russian government was giving Cuba military supplies to create missile silos on the island. President Kennedy “quarantined” Cuba by sending US naval ships to and around Cuba so Russian military supplies could no longer get to the island. President Kennedy demanded that everything be destroyed.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    : The “March on Washington” took place In Washington D.C., on August 28, 1963. It was for Jobs and freedom for Blacks in America. The march was attended by 250,000 people.
  • John F. Kennedy is assassinated

    John F. Kennedy is assassinated
    John F. Kennedy was killed after only 1000 days of being President of the USA. Legend says his killer is Lee Harvey Oswald. The very gruesome assignation was committed in Dallas, Texas. The President was hit by two bullets, one through the throat and one to the head.
  • First man on the moon

    First man on the moon
    The mission that went to the moon was the Apollo 11 moon Landing Mission. The crew that was on the spaceship, consisted of Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael Collins. The First man to step on the moon was Neil Armstrong, and the second was Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin.
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  • VCR

    The VCR was invented in 1956 by a company by the name of Ampex. The VCR was made for people to be able to watch a show on the TV and at the same time be recording one as well.
  • Construction for Sears Tower Begins

    Construction for Sears Tower Begins
    The Sears Tower started being built in 1974. At the time it was going to be the tallest tower, until the Taipei 101 tower was built, although the Sears tower is still the tallest Chicago skyscraper. The building consists of nine framed tubes, which are actually nine separate skyscrapers.
  • Abortion is Declared Legal

    Abortion is Declared Legal
    Abortion: In the 1970’s women won their rights to choose abortion with the Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade.
  • America's 200th Birthday

    America's 200th Birthday
    The United States Bicentennial celebration happened on Sunday, July 4, 1976, with the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration Of Independence.
  • First test tube baby

    First test tube baby
    The very first test tube baby was born in July 25, 1978; her name was Louise Joy Brown. Her conception was a medical and scientific breakthrough, but it came with the ethical and moral issues that come with things like this.
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  • Mt. Saint Helens Erupts

    Mt. Saint Helens Erupts
    Mt. Saint Helens: Mount Saint Helens erupted at 8:32:17 a.m. on Sunday, May 18, 1980. This Eruption caused the entire north face of the mountain to be blown away. Once the Volcano erupted an “eruption column” went in to the air over 80,000 feet, and sent ash through 11 other states around the US.
  • Aids is Discovered

    Aids is Discovered
    In the seventy’s AIDS was just becoming a National problem. The condition of AIDS was first called gay-related immune deficiency, gay cancer, or community-acquired immune dysfunction, because the cases were being brought up were only accruing with homosexual men.
  • SDI is Created

    SDI is Created
    Star Wars was a nick name of a satellite during the Cold War. President Ronald Reagan started proposing the creation of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) it was meant to be a way to stop Soviet ICBMs mid-flight. This idea was so “out there” that people thought it was impossible.
  • Chernobyl Disater

    Chernobyl Disater
    People remember the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster as the worst nuclear disaster in world history, because on April 26, 1986 during a routine maintenance check one of the Reactors power went out. And at 1:23 a.m. the reactor exploded, killing 31 citizens of the nearby city of Pripyat. But because the Soviets tried to hide the explosion thousands more dyed because of being over exposed to radiation. The radiation the citizens were exposed to was 100 times more deadly than the bombs America dropped on
  • Berlin Wall is taken down

    Berlin Wall is taken down
    The Berlin Wall was one of the last remains in Germany of the “old ways” (Nazi Germany). Everyone should know the legendary words spoken by President Ronald Reagan saying, “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
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  • Hubble Telescope is launched

    Hubble Telescope is launched
    The Hubble telescope is a 7.9 ft. aperture telescope that is in a low earth orbit. Originally set to be launched in 1983, it was not actually launched into space until 1993 due to technical difficulties. The hubble telescope is the only telescope that was designed to be serviced in space by astronauts. It is due to be dysfunctional by at least 2013.
  • Gulf War Starts

    Gulf War Starts
    The gulf war was a 6 month war between Iraq and the Coalition Forces, which were led by the United States. Iraq’s leader Saddam Hussein decided to plan an invasion and annexation of Kuwait, a constitutional monarchy. With this Kuwait asked for assistance from the U.N. The United States, along with 33 other nations, Stationed in Saudi Arabia. The war was over on February 28, 1991.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Operation Desert Storm is an offensive campaign that will enforce the United Nation's resolutions that Iraq would have to cease its pillage of its weaker neighbor and withdraw its forces from Kuwait. Though the war ended in 1991, Operation Desert Storm did not withdrawl until 1995.
  • Rwanda Genocide

    Rwanda Genocide
    The Rwandan Genocide was a mass slaughter of Africans by the Hutu in the East African state in 1994. Over the course of 3 months over 500,000 people were killed. The estimates have ranged from 500,000 to 1,000,000 people, or up to 20 of the population of the country. The US government played a passive role during this do to infighting with congress.
  • Cloned Sheep is Born

    Cloned Sheep is Born
    The first sheep to be clone was a sheep named dolly. Born in 1996 by 3 mothers, Dolly wasn’t known to the world until announced in 1997. Dolly lived for 6 years until she was euthanized for she had a progressive lung disease and severe arthritis.
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  • Attacks on the U.S.

    Attacks on the U.S.
    On September 11, 2001 4 large passenger plane were hijacked by Muslim terrorists. 2 of them purposely crashed into the world trade centers, 1 crashed into the Pentagon, and the last on crashed into a field, with the idea of it heading towards the white house. This marked the beginning of the Afghan war.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    The War in Afghanistan (2001–present) refers to the intervention in the Afghan Civil War by the United States and its allies, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The goal of this intervention was to take the Taliban out of power, which supported Al Qaeda movements. This fight still continues to this day.
  • Beltway sniper attacks

    Beltway sniper attacks
    In the month of October, 2 people took to the rooftops and begin to shoot at innocent people. This 20 day period known as the Beltway Sniper attacks were conducted by John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo. Together they killed 10 citizens and injured three. When finally captured, Muhammad was sentenced to death by lethal injection and Malvo was sentenced to six consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole.
  • War on Iraq

    War on Iraq
    The Iraq War was a conflict in Iraq that started march 20, 2003. It was first caused by the thought by the U.N that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Americans illegally conducted attacks in Iraq without declaring war and eventually found the Al Qaeda leader Saddam Hussein. He was later tried and executed.
  • Virgina Tech Massacre

    Virgina Tech Massacre
    On April 16, 2007 on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States, Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, single handedly shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others. This was the most deadly shootings in U.S. history. This mass shooting/suicide sparked worldwide interest and outrage in the U.S. for the present gun laws and mental care.
  • Haiti Earthquake

    Haiti Earthquake
    The earthquake in Haiti was a major earthquake measured as a 7.0 Mw. It was located centrally near the town of Leogane. The earthquake happened at 16:53 local time on Tuesday, 12 January 2010. An estimated three million people were affected by this earthquake. The Haitian government estimated a gigantic number of 250,000 people being killed in this earthquake.
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    : The total discharge of oil in to the gulf was estimated at at 4.9 million barrels(210 million US gallons). The ship carrying this oil claimed 11 lives when it blew.
  • Osama Bin Laden is Killed

    Osama Bin Laden is Killed
    : Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011. He was killed by a group of US Navy Seals called SEAL team six. The operation to kill Osama bin Laden was called Operation Neptune Spear.
  • Sandy Hook Massacre

    Sandy Hook Massacre
    On December 14, 1012, a man by the name of Adam Lanza fatally shot twenty children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown Connecticut. This incident is the second deadlist mass shooting by a single person in American history.
  • New Pope

    New Pope
    The new pope of the Catholic Church is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. His reign as Pope started on March 13, 2013. As Pope he looks of the entire Catholic religion. He is known for being the first ever Pope from the Americas and the first Pope from the Southern Hemisphere.