Events from 1500-Now

  • Aug 30, 1492

    Columbus discovers America

    Columbus discovers America
    Columbus sets out to find a new route to Asia but stumbles upon the Americas
  • Aug 30, 1519

    Magellan sails around the world

    Magellan sails around the world
    Magellan is the first person to successfully sail around the world
  • Aug 30, 1534

    Jacques Cartiers First Voyage

    Jacques Cartiers First Voyage
    Jacques Cartier explores and maps the gulf of Saint-Lawrence reporting lots of gold, timber, fish, and furs.
  • Aug 30, 1535

    Jacques Cartiers Second Voyage

    Jacques Cartiers Second Voyage
    He sails up the St. Lawrence learning tricks from the natives to survive winter and scurvy. I
  • Aug 30, 1541

    Jacques Cartiers Third Voyage

    Jacques Cartiers Third Voyage
    In his final voyage Jacques Cartier attempts to set up a permanent settlement but it fails. Missionaries attempt to convert natives to Christianity.
  • King of France attempts to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia

    King of France attempts to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia
    The King of France attempts to establish a settlement in Nova Scotia but it fails due to it's position. Samuel de Champlain took part in this voyage. The settlement was named Port Royal.
  • Samuel de Champlain sets up a trading post (Stadacona)

    Samuel de Champlain sets up a trading post (Stadacona)
    Samuel de Champlain sets up a trading post called Stadacona (present-day Quebec city). He traded furs and other goods with the natives. The French controled the fur trade.
  • Company of hundred-associates founded

    Company of hundred-associates founded
    In 1628 the king of France grants the company of hundred-associates a monopoly of the fur trade. In return the company must help 4000 catholics settle in this new area.
  • Trois-Riviere is founded

    In 1634 Laviolette founded Trois-Riviere
  • Ville-Marie is founded

    Ville-Marie is founded
    In 1642 Maisonneuve, a miitary officer, founded Ville-Marie (present day Montreal)
  • King Louis the 14th comes to power

    King Louis the 14th comes to power
    In 1661 King Louis the 14th of France takes control of the throne. He had two objectives: settle wars in europe, and take control of his colonies
  • Royal Goverment is founded

    Royal Goverment is founded
    In 1663, the King of France implanted the Royal Govement due to the fact that the private were almost destroying New-France. (This ended the monopoly)
  • -1760 Jean Talon increases population

    -1760 Jean Talon increases population
    Jean Talon implaments 3 things to increase population:
    -Filles du Roy
    -Company of Soldiers
    -Gave families money to have kids
    The population did increase rapidly 1663 →3,000ppl 1760→70,000ppl
  • First Three intercolonial wars

    First Three intercolonial wars
    -The First Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Ryswick 1697 -The Second Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Utrecht 1713-The Third Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748
  • Fourth Intercolonial War (7 Years War)

    Fourth Intercolonial War (7 Years War)
    This seven year war was extremely important because it decided the fate of North-America. The british attacked the French in Quebec and other places also. It eneded on the plains of Aberham
  • New-France differs from France

    New-France differs from France
    The population of New-France were now known as "canadians' due to the diffrences in their culture
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Official end of the 7 years war. New-France gives all territory to the King of England except 2 islands: Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
  • Royal Proclomation

    Royal Proclomation
    The goal of the royal proc. was to assimilate the french. It consisted of applying english criminal and civil laws, put in place a civilian Goverment: King appointed a governor who appointed members of a executive council.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Goal: Gain the loyaly of the French-Canadiens
    -Enlarges the territory of Quebec
    -Applies French civil laws
    -Appointed Council
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The 13 colonies declare independance. Loyalists to Britain came to Canada and caused a big demographic change of English to French:
  • Constitunial Act implemated Part 1

    Constitunial Act implemated  Part 1
    The act brought in something called a representitiive goverment:
    King British ParliamentIn the Canadas…Governor-appointed by parliament, commanded forces, in charge of administration, called assemblies into session. Held veto power which meant he could turn down laws.(the Canada’s each had…)Lieutenant Governor-Acted as deputy governor Executive Council-appointed by Governor, advised Governor,Legislative Council-appointed, approve or reject laws form the assembly
  • Constitutional act part 2

    Constitutional act part 2
    Representitive Goverment cont.:
    Legislative Assembly-people elected every 4yrs, It had the power to approve or disapprove taxes, they had the right to create laws.Ordinary people-had a say of government for the first time (not everyone…only land owning men over 21)-This was the first time people were able to vote and be represented in Canada, representative government was a big step forward.
    Canada was split into upper and lower Canada
  • Changes in the 1800's

    Changes in the 1800's
    Trade Changes:
    -Timber replaces fur as the main export of Canada
    Agricultural Changes:
    -Lower Canada's soil becomes in fertile
    -Upper Canada's soil becomes fertile
    -Immigrants bring in new ways of farming
    Transportation Changes:
    -Canals are built
    -Steam power is invented creating steam-powered trains and boats
    Population Changes:
    -Irish potato famine brought many Irish immigrants to Canada
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    America declares war on Britain because Britain was already at war with France therefore they could take advantage. America attempts some badly organized attacks on Canada. War ends in a stalemate
  • Uprising of the French-Canadiens

    Uprising of the French-Canadiens
    During the 1830's, there was growing dicontent because the people had no real power. Louis Joseph Papineau made the 92 resolutions but the governor responded with 10 resolutions of his own which did not solve any of the french-canadiens problems. The french-canadiems revolted but was put down shortly.
    Lord Durham (the Governor) made some recommendations to avoid this happening again:
    -Increase immigration to assimilate the french
    -the 2 Canada's should be united
    -Responsible goverment=no veto
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    This constitution unites Upper and Lower Canada creating Canada East and West. Canada East and West each had 42 members at Assembly. The debts of the 2 Canada's would be payed for equally.
    RESPONSIBLE GOVERMENT ADOPTED: Executive council would be made up of members from the legislative council. 1848: Lord Elgin would be the first Governor to not use his veto powers
  • Reciprocity Treaty

    Reciprocity Treaty
    After Britain ends it's preferential trade with the Canadas, they needed a new trade ally. In 1854, Canada signs the repricocity treaty which ceased duty/customs between the 2 countries