Eve Esnler

  • Birth

    Eve Ensler was born May 25, 1953 to Chris and Arthur Ensler. Arthur being an executive in the culinary industry. She was second of three born children. She was born in New York City, in a predominantly Jewish community. Eve is still active, she is currently 69 years old.
  • Sexual Abuse

    Sexual Abuse
    Between the ages of 5 and 10 Eve was sexually abused by her father, Arthur Ensler. This would eventually inspire her to create The apology.
  • Graduation and drug abuse

    Graduation and drug abuse
    She graduated from Middlebury college in 1975 with a bachelor of arts degree. During this time she would develop a habit of drinking and drug abuse as a way to cope with her emotional struggles.
  • Marriage and rehab

    Marriage and rehab
    Eve married Richard Mcdermott in 1978, at the age of 26 He would eventually convince her into getting into rehabilitation for her drug and alcohol abuse. Eve is still sober and has been for the last 45 years. The image shown is of Richard and Eve on opening night of Match on Broadway.
  • Adopting

    During her marriage to Richard, Eve would adopt Mark Anthony Mcdermott. She was 26 and he was 19. They developed a great and deep relationship with her adoptive son. She encouraged him in pursing his career in acting, which would lead him to receive awards and acknowledgement for his work.
  • First playwright

    First playwright
    Eve wrote her first playwright, The Vagina Monologues, in 1994. The first of a total of 9 plays. The play consisted of clever language which transported audience. It empowered women by addressing social stigma surrounding their sexuality and rape and sexual abuse.
  • Colette Mcdermott

    Colette Mcdermott
    The first grandchild was born 1996, from Dylan's first marriage.
  • Obie award

    Obie award
    Eve ensler won an Obie award for her work The Vagina Monologues. The Obie Award is an award which is originally given by the village voice newspaper to theater artisits and groups in NYC.
  • Necessary Targets

    Necessary Targets
    This play was inspired by eves trip to Yugoslavia. It consists of two young american women, refugees of war. Facing fears on war and violence. It talks about americas struggles with having a relationship with the rest of the world.
  • the good body

    the good body
    focusing on the unrealistic expectations on the body of women. challenging that idea and the insecurities attached. Ir touches on the subject of diet culture, and how it affects womens perspectives on themselves and others. It includes different cultures ideas of beauty and beauty expectations.
  • Charlotte Rose Mcdermott

    Charlotte Rose Mcdermott
    Charlotte was also born in the Dylans first marriage. Becoming the second grandchild of Eve Ensler.
  • The Treatment

    The Treatment
    two character drama, talking about the different layers of power and fears. the relationship between a soldier with PTSD and a female psychologist. Taking accountability for their duties and atrocities they've done in democracy war.
  • Uterine Cancer

    Uterine Cancer
    In june 2010, the gaurdian wrote on Eve enslers treatment for uterine cancer. She spoke about the treatment herself in her play, In the Body of thr world..“Cancer threw me into the center of my body’s crisis,” She received her diagnosis in may of 2010.
  • Uterine Cancer News

    Uterine Cancer News
    Eve was in the congo when she recieved the news. She was helping rape victims in the opening of the City of Joy. A sanctury for women.
  • Emotional Creation

    Emotional Creation
    Consisting of the secret life of women. It was created to inspire the women of the world, of all ages and cultures. It talks about sisterhood, and women uniting.
  • Isabelle Stevenson Award

    Isabelle Stevenson Award
    This award was given to eve as it represents someone who contributed lots of time and effort on behalf of humanitarian, social service or charitable organizations. Eve created V-day, a movement created to raise money for educating people on violence against women in an effort to stop it.
  • Fruit Trilogy

    Fruit Trilogy
    Three short plays which consist of freedom and recklessness of young women. It explores humanity behind headlines, meaning, exploring the reality of womens lives and the chaotic lives they carry.
  • The apology

    The apology
    In 2019, follwing the death of her father, Eve wrote an apology book. She believed it would help other people who never recieved an apology for the sexual abuse they went through.
  • resources


    Eve Ensler, 1953. Wander Women Project - WWPhttps://wanderwomenproject.com › Eve Ensler: dancing for a free world for women - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com › theobserver › feb › pro...
    https://youtu.be/zJm2ZVCvoEw 11:30