EvanW Vocabulary Timeline

  • Sprawling

    Ready Player One
    "The only thing to be found here were thousands of identical school campuses separated by rolling green fields, perfectly landscaped parks ,rivers , meadows and, sprawling template generated forest." (p.50 Cline) Sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in an ungainly or awkward way.
  • Axiom

    Ready Player One"This was an axiom in video games , and would be until humans invented true artificial intelligence."(Cline p.80).a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
  • Avuncular

    Ready Player One . " He said flashing an avuncular grin that I suspected was generated by whatever diplomacy software he was running." of or relating to an uncle. kind and friendly toward a younger or less experienced person.
  • Mounted

    Ready player One
    Ernest Cline
    "The security lock mounted outside required another retinal scan"
    riding an animal, typically a horse, especially for military or other duty
  • Mausoleum

    Ready Player One
    Ernest Cline
    " The Hab block reminded me of a mausoleum" (208 Cline)
    a building, especially a large and stately one, housing a tomb or tombs.
  • Exploit

    Ready Player One Ernest Cline
    "All of them used the exploit to get the free 40 credits." (Cline p354)
    make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
  • immersion

    Ready Player One
    Ernest Cline
    "OASIS immersion rig Stood in the absolute center " ( Cline p358)
    the action of immersing someone or something in a liquid
  • Stoic

    The Night Gardener Jonathan Auxier "Kip glanced up at his sister, who watched the road with a stoic expression " ( Auxier p 12 ) a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
  • hotheadedness

    the night gardener , Jonathan Auxier
    " Da disappointing and hotheadedness"
    easily angered : fiery, impetuous.
  • Basilisk

    Armada-Ernest Cline " Ray power jumped into the air spinning his ATHID around 180 degrees just before landing he brought the huge metal basilisk down with one well shot missle ( Cline 40) a mythical reptile with a lethal gaze or breath, hatched by a serpent from a chicken's egg
  • Wyvern

    Armada - Ernest Cline "along with dozens of dragon like Wyverns uncoiling and snaking through their swarming ranks " (p 74 cline) a winged two-legged dragon with a barbed tail.
  • Synchronization

    Armada - 135 - 152 "Interceptor Synchronization engaged Good luck , Lieutenant Lightman." ( Cline 146)
    the operation or activity of two or more things at the same time or rate.
  • Supremacy

    Armada 153-172
    "taking in a strange mix of fear and anticipation battling each other for Supremacy"
    he state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status.
  • cataclysmic (185)

    cataclysmic (185)
    Armada Pgs177-188 " the verse she quoted conjured up a vivid memory of the cataclysmic fire and smoke roiling off the crystal palace blast doors as they buckled and warped under a hail of laser alien fire" ( Cline pg185) relating to or denoting a violent natural event.
  • Bio-metrics

    191-215 Armada
    " The door has already been coded to your biometrices" (Cline 204)
    the application of statistical analysis to biological data.
  • Celestial

    191-215 Armada
    "Every 398.9 days a celestial event known as the Jovian opposition occurs " (Cline 214)
    positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy.
  • idyllic

    Armada pg219-242 " id been living an idyllic life in the suburbs with my mom , surrounded with my friends and all of my comforts." (Cline 236 ) (especially of a time or place) like an idyll; extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque.
  • Phalanx

    Armada 246-266 "the Dreadnaught sphere in the lead was already closing in on the red planet surrounded on all sides by a Phalanx of Galives"(Cline pg.266) a body of troops or police officers, standing or moving in close formation
  • Fuselage

    Armada 269-289 "When the metal pod locked into place on the underside of her fuselage , she let out a cry of victory"(Clin Pg.289) the main body of an aircraft.
  • Pegged

    Armada - pg.299-326 " Funny i never pegged you of a deserter -of a coward"(Cline pg.319) another term for pegtop.
  • Ulterior motives

    Ulterior motives
    Scott Pilgrim vs the world VOL 1 " Scott are you really happy or are you really evil ? What like do i have Ulterior motives or something are you asking me if im a user? An alternative or extrinsic reason for doing something, especially when concealed or when differing from the stated or apparent reason.
  • Smitten

    Scott Pilgrim pg.82-FINISHED "All he knows is her name is Ramona Flowers she's absolutely amazing and Smitten" ( O'mally 184) past participle of smite.
  • Vespa

    Scott Pilgrim vol 2 pg1-182 "There riding vespas eating spicy meatballs and kissing the pope idk" (O'Mally 94) is an Italian brand of scooter manufactured by Piaggio. The name means wasp in Italian.
  • Transcend

    Scott Pilgrim vol2 p7-end " Scott if we had a band we would be cool even if we sucked we would transcend our class status or whatever and become automatically cool" (O'Mally pg 19) be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division).
  • Expariate

    Scott Pilgrim vol3 pg.7-END "Ramona Flowers American expariate Ninja courier age unknown" a person who lives outside their native country.
  • Astute

    Scott pilgrim vol 3 ¨Something weird is happening Scott , thats very astute scott¨(Omally 197) having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one's advantage.
  • Parka

    Scott Pilgrim vol4 . "You probably thought we all lived in igloos and stuff right? wheres your fashionable parka "(O'Mally 74) a large windproof jacket with a hood, designed to be worn in cold weather.
  • Wazizashi

    Scott Pilgrim vol4 "Like a katana or wazizashi or both?" a Japanese sword shorter than a katana.
  • Barbarians

    Scott Pilgrim vol5 "fight what are we barbarians?" in ancient times) a member of a community or tribe not belonging to one of the great civilizations (Greek, Roman, Christian).
  • Sabbatical

    Scott Pilgrim vol7 pg.1-end "You Know like a wilderness sabbatical" (O'Mally pg.222) a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher or other worker for study or travel, traditionally one year for every seven years worked.