Evan's Life

By ef0379
  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    I was born on January 19th, 2004 in Troy, Michigan
  • Parents divorced

    Parents divorced
    My parents divorced on August 11, 2008.
  • Step dad

    Step dad
    My mom married my step dad on September 27th, 2013.
  • Step dad divorce

    Step dad divorce
    My mom divorced my step dad on November 12th, 2014.
  • Glued Nose

    Glued Nose
    My dog ripped my nose in half after accidently getting his tooth caught.
  • Nose Surgery

    Nose Surgery
    Because of how bad my sinuses were from my dog tearing my nose most likely, I had to get surgery to shrink my adenoids.
  • First Cross Country Race

    First Cross Country Race
    I ran my first cross country race in high school on August 19th, 2018.
  • Drum Lessons

    Drum Lessons
    I took drum lessons over the span of seven months in 2019.
  • Broken Collarbone

    Broken Collarbone
    I broke my right collarbone on May 23rd 2019 from ramping my bike, and had to get a metal plate and screws inserted.
  • Move

    I moved out to Arizona to live with my dad this year.