First day I went to a school
I was exited when I steped in -
spring vaca
went on first skiing slope -
first slolum corse
I went on my first slolum corse with my dad and won by a hundreth
of a second and he was going super easy and when he tried I
got beet so bad hes a great skier he allmost made it to the natanole olimpic ski teambut he broke his knee. -
kyle birthday
the day me And my brother wereso exited it was my big brothers berthday . -
Mom day
The day mom won the grand prix -
Day i made the timeline
this is a s.s progect for the class it is so fun -
day was working for my dad
the day I was in the comepany for my dad and got my job I have now yay -
the day I lost my dog
the day I met a friend named varun.
I met him online on x box 360 he sent me a friend recuest and my brother Kyle said thats him varun and I said whos varun Kyle said
thats my friend and I said cool can I meet him Kyle said yes and I said ok when tommorw and hes sleeping over and I. -
Day I was born
the day I cane to this world it was awsome