Pc computers

Evalution of PC computers

By hh20015
  • IBM 1500

    IBM 1500
    This was the first IBM that was ever created by Philip Don Estridge.
    It was made so cpmuters didn't have to fill the entire room.
    It was made in a lab where they used parts from bigger computers
    This changed the way the world saw computers
  • Apple Realeses Apple II OS

    Apple Realeses Apple II OS
    Appl'es first update to the IBM
    They wanted to make the first IBM better
    It was more adavced than the first for that time period
    It changed socitey and how they started using pc's
  • PET 2001is realesed

    PET 2001is realesed
    It was the first pc that had a screen so the veiwer could see what was happeing
    It changed how people made them by adding a screen
    Without a screen it would be hard for us to do much now
    Society could do a lot more with a screen
  • The IBM 5120 OS is Frst Inroduced

    The IBM 5120 OS is Frst Inroduced
    This was a Pc that was made to help people use computers more.
  • Apple III OS is Rlased

    Apple III OS is Rlased
    • the sos standed for sophisticated *it cahnged how th pc lokked in advancments *socitey could use the oc much easier now
  • IMB Personal Computer

    IMB Personal Computer
    Don Estridge and his team of enginers and designers launched the IMB Personal Computer. Because of the success of the IBM Personal Computer, the term "PC" came to mean more specifically a desktop.
    IBM's PC products were a big sucsess. Within a short time of the introduction the influence of the IBM PC on the personal computer market was substantial in standardizing a platform for newer pc's that were yet to come.
  • Apple Lisa is First Realeased

    Apple Lisa is First Realeased
    This was apples newest updated version of the pc
    for easier use to the public so you could interact with the pc with a mouse and keyboard
  • Apple Relases the Apple Macintosh

    Apple Relases the Apple Macintosh
    The was the first ever portable PC computer that apple made.
    Now people could carry a PC with them to do work of anything they wanted to do becuase it was small enough
  • Macintosh IIfx is realesed

    Macintosh IIfx is realesed
    This was the most updated version of the time of smaller pc
    They made this to make computer more technical for people
  • The Apple Macintosh Is First Released

    The Apple Macintosh Is First Released
    This was Apple's first ever mac book they created
    This lead them into making more mac books that we use today
    This is also the first pc that looked like we have today so if it wasn't for this invention we wouldn't have the pc's we do today or tyhe ones we will have in the future
  • Macintosh Clones are firtst released

    Macintosh Clones are firtst released
    Apple made more, and better macintoshes
    This was when Apple first started to clone macintoshes
    To improve their sales and how their macontosh was made
  • Apple Relases Power Mac G4

    Apple Relases Power Mac G4
    This was Apple's gaming system that was portable for everyone
    This was a small way for all people to play gamnes that wasn't on their desktop computers.
    Society know this now like phones or DSs
  • Apple Releases Mac OS X

    Apple Releases Mac OS X
    Mac OS X Lion (version 10.7; marketed as OS X Lion) is the eighth major release of Mac OS X, Apple's desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. A preview of Lion was publicly unveiled at the "Back to the Mac" Apple Special Event
  • Apple Relases Macbook Pro

    Apple Relases Macbook Pro
    The macbook pro has been updated from other mac books in the past but there also has been a lot of new advances from 2006
    Society has known these to do a lot of thier everyday stuff is they don't have a desktop moniter
  • FUture PC

    FUture PC
    This futre PC that is coming soon
    This PC will use simple hand gestures
    3Gear Systems is one of the startups companies
    Now we don't need a mouse or touch pad
    Socitey will advance with their hands
  • Future PC

    Future PC
    We will make computers bigger for the process of it running faster and for better pixles
    Some technicians will figure out how in a lab
    The Pc will be bigger for more jobs and presenttations and small pc's might go to waste for our near future
  • Future PC

    Future PC
    By 2040, we won't have pc computers
    We will probably have Bluetooth Technology
    Bill Gates says he'd help make the pens
    It will be created so we don't have lug around Pc's as we know it
    Society in the future will have hologram computers, not a pc they can really hold