Birth of Evita Duarte
Evita(nickname Eva) Duarte was born on May 7, 1919 in Los Toldos, Argentina. Her parents were Juana Ibarguren and Juan Duarte. Her siblings were Erminda, Juan, Elisa, and Blanca. -
Eva's Dad, Juan Duarte
In 1926 sadly Eva’s dad,Juan Duarte, died in a car accident. They were already struggling, however the loss of her father meant they had to work harder. Four years later they moved to Junin, a city in the province of Buenos Aires. -
When Eva was around 15 years old, she moved to Buenos Aires to become an actress. In 1937, she got her first film role in Segundos Afuera. She also got a contract to perform on the radio. -
Theater in Air
When she was about 20 years old, she started her own entertainment. The Company of the Theater in Air. In 1943 she signed on to portray a number of famous women in history on a radio series. Which gave her a chance to play the likes of Queen Elizabeth, and Catherine the Great. -
Eva and Juan
In 1943, Eva met Juan Peron, assumed the post of a secretary of labor and a social welfare in the military government. They started to developed a close relationship. She was becoming his loyal politicians confidante and partner, she helped him increase his support among masses. -
Eva the Hero
In October 1945, Juan was arrested and put in prison by a group of military men who didn’t support him, Eva helped get him out by organizing a mass demonstration that led him to his release. -
On October 21, 1945, Eva married Juan Peron, a colonel and a government official. The next year he became president. Her position of first lady to fight for things she believed in. Like women suffrages and helping the lives of the poor. -
Women Suffrage
Eva launched a campaign about women suffrage. It was her campaign promise to make it true. Thanks to Eva’s efforts suffrage for women became a law in 1947. Four years later women finally got to vote for the first time in an national election. -
Vice President
Eva Peron was asked to be vice president in 1951. However she denied. She turned down the post because health, she been battling cervical cancer. -
Death of Eva
Sadly on July 26, 1952, Eva Peron died. She died because of cervical cancer, in Buenos Aires. June was the last public appearance she made.