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European Union

  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
  • Cold war

    Cold war
    U.S.A VS U.S.S.R (Union of Socialist Soviet Community)
  • France propose Germany an union.

    France propose Germany an union.
    France propose Germany an union to boost the economy and for the reconciliation.
  • 6 countries sign a treaty in Paris (E.C.S.C)

    6 countries sign a treaty in Paris (E.C.S.C)
    6 countries sign a treaty (Europe Coal and Steel Community) for the increment of production (boost the economy).
  • The treaties of Roma

    The treaties of Roma
    Creates the Community Agriculture Policy (C.A.P), the European Economic Community (E.E.C) (common market), they accord the free movements of markets (boost economy) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom).
  • Many states join to Europe.

    Joins to the E.U: Denmark, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Norway.
  • E.C.S.C, E.E.C and Euratom united in one.

    E.C.S.C, E.E.C and Euratom united in one.
  • Merger treaty is applied.

  • Creates the European Council

    Creates the European Council
    Debate between heads of state or government.
  • Grecia joins to the E.U

    Grecia joins to the E.U
  • Spain and Portugal joins to the E.U

    Spain and Portugal joins to the E.U
  • Germany unification

    Germany unification
  • Maastritch treaty

    Maastritch treaty
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden join the E.U

    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the E.U
    Now are 15 countries in the E.U
  • Schengen agreement

    Schengen agreement
    Introduced the total freedom of movement in the E.U
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    Prepares the E.U to new countries arrive.
  • Is created the European Central Bank.

    Is created the European Central Bank.
    Responsable to administrate the euro.
  • The euro is officially launched

    The euro is officially launched
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty of Nice
    The treaty is made for be prepared for the arrival of new countries of occident when they are ready. (Have effect in 2003)
  • 10 countries more join to E.U

    10 countries more join to E.U
    Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Slovakia.
  • Financian crisis

  • Treaty of Lisbon

    Treaty of Lisbon
    Strength and improve the functioning of the E.U
  • Croatia joins E.U

    Croatia joins E.U
    A lot of people migrate to E.U because their countries are in war.
    The E.U have 24 official languages.
  • Brexit

    The United Kingdom want to exit of the E.U.
  • U.K exits for the E.U

    U.K exits for the E.U