European Union

  • WWII

  • NATO is formed

    Known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which was northern countries united against communism.
  • Birth of the European Parliament

    Replacing the European Coal and Steel Company in 1958, the First Parliament meeting was held in France, changed its name in 1962
  • Berlin Wall is Built

    The government in East Germany builds the Berlin Wall to separate Eastern and Western Europe in the Cold War.
  • Overthrowing of dictatorships in Europe

    Countries in Europe begin to remove their previous dictatorships. Greece, Portugal, and Spain all converse to democracy.
  • First Citizens Election in the European Parliament

    Taking steps closer to complete democracy the European Parliament allows the citizens to vote for members of the Parliament.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Eastern and Western Europe are connected for the first time in 28 years. With other countries joining the European Community, Eastern Germany joins the EEC.
  • Treaty on European Union

    Signed in Maastricht, this treaty is a milestone opening the doors to the creation of a single currency.
  • Creation of the Euro

    Creation of the Euro
    The Euro was introduced to 11 European countries in 1999.
  • Joining the Fight against international terrorism

    After the events of 911 countries apart of the European countries stood along side the US to fight against international terrorism.