End of the Second World War (WW II)
Marshal plan
Cold War between USA and the USSR, the two biggest economic powers in these age -
Reconciliation between France and Germany
European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
6 countries sing this treaty: Benelux (Italy, Luxemburg and Belgium), Netherlands, France and Germany (FGR) -
Treaties of Rome
There are created: EEC (European Economic Community), CAP (Community Agricultor Policy) and the EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community) -
UK wants to join into the UN
France doesn’t like this proposal and deny It -
Merger Treaty
ECSC, EEC and the EURATOM are mix -
Joins the UK, Denmark and Iceland
The oil crisis reaches Europe
Following the Arab-Israeli war in October, oil-producing countries in the Middle East are imposing large price hikes and restricting sales to certain European countries, causing economic problems across the EU. -
First direct elections to the European Parliament
European citizens directly elect MEPs for the first time. -
Greece joins into the UN
Portugal and Spain joins into the UN
The fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall falls and the border between East and West opens for the first time in twenty-eight years. Germany is unified after more than forty years of separation. Communism definitely falls -
Maastricht Treaty
7 countries firm that treaty and the European Union is created. -
Schengen aboils fronter controls.
Austria, Sweden and Finland joins (15 countries right now) -
Amsterdam treaty
Sets out plans to reform the EU institutions, give Europe a greater role in the world and devote more resources to employment and citizens' rights. -
Euro is launch in Europe
The euro is introduced in eleven countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal. -
Treaty of Nice
Its aim is to reform the institutions so that the EU can function effectively after reaching 25 member countries and prepare for the next large group of new members to join. -
10 countries joins and firm the Constitutional Treaty
Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungry, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia -
Eu constitution
In France and the Netherlands, voters reject the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe, signed by the 25 EU Member States -
Romania and Bulgaria joins and Treaty of Lisbon
Romania and Bulgaria joins and 27 countries firm the Treaty of Lisbon. The Lisbon Treaty, which modifies previous treaties. It is designed to make the EU more democratic, efficient, transparent and capable of tackling global challenges such as climate change, security and sustainable development. -
World Economic crisis
Eurozone has a general economic doubt, it creates a financial crisis one of the most affected is Greece -
Croatia joins and migrant crisis
There are an European migrant crisis with the Arab springs -
Brexit idea go out
The briths government thinks that separating to the EU they are going to finish with the migration problems -
Starts the negotiations about Brexit
Uk want to leaves the EU -
Brexit is agree
Brexit is finally approve and it’s going on -
Uk leaves the European Union
They actually have a crisis for this reason