Period: to
1.The origins of the European union
2.The start of the Europian union
After the second world war some of the European states decided to create an union to strengthen their cooperation -
3.Speech by Robert Schuman
Robert Schuman made a speech explaining the ideas of the union -
4.ECSC was founded
Six European countries founded the European Coal and Steel Comunity. -
5.The treaties of Rome were signed
6.EEC was founded
This coperation was founded as an extension of the ECSC due to it's sucess. -
7.The EEC was enlarged
the EEC was enlarged from six members to nine. -
8.ERDF was founded
9.EEC was enlarged (again).
The EEC was enlarged to ten members -
10. EEC was enlarged (again) and Single European Act was singed
the EEC was enlarged to twelve members and Single European Act was singed. -
11. Maastrich Teatry came into force.
The EEC became the European Union -
12.EU was enlarged
EU was enlarged to fifteen members -
13.the European bank was fouded
14.Adoption of the treaty of Nice
The treaty of Nice was adopted an came into force in 2003 -
15.The euro came into circulation
The euro began to be used en some markets all of the territories where the euro circulated were called eurozone -
16.EU was enlarged(again)
The EU was enlarged to twenty-five members -
17.EU was enlaged(again).
The EU was enlarged to twenty-seven members -
18. Treaty of Lisbon came into force
19. The EU was enlarged ( again).
The EU was enlarged to twenty-eight members -
20. The EU lost a member
The U.K. left the EU