European Union

  • End of World War II

    World War II ends in Europe, marking the end of the deadliest military conflict in history that took the lives of 60 million people.
  • Potsdam Agreement Enacted

    1945 agreement between the 3 Allies The United Kingdom, the USA, and the Soviet Union. This agreement concerned the military occupation and reconstruction of Germany, as well as demilitarisation and reparations.
  • Creation of NATO

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was an agreement between the US, Canada, and many Western European countries to provide collective security against the Soviet Union.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Agreement between France, Italy, West Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands that established the European Coal and Steel Community. It was intended to bring diplomatic and economic stability to Western Europe following WWII.
  • Treaty of Rome

    This agreement created the European Economic Community that proposed the progressive reduction of of custom duties and the establishment of a customs unit, as well as a single market for goods and services.
  • Accession of Denmark, Ireland, and the UK

    Denmark, Ireland, and the UK are added to the European Union as member countries.
  • Fall of the Iron Curtain in Europe

    The fall of the Iron Curtain paved the way for the reunification of Germany and the reunification of Europe after more than 40 years of conflict.
  • Maastricht Treaty Enacted

    Formally called the Treaty on European Union, this agreement formally created the European Union and introduced the Euro as the fellow currency.
  • Copenhagen Criteria Defined

    Rules defining whether a country is eligible to join the European Union; a state has the institutions to preserve democratic governance and human rights, has a functioning market economy, and accepts the obligations and intent of the EU.
  • Euro Replaces 12 National Currencies

    The Euro as an accounting currency officially replaces twelve national currencies, which further unifies EU countries monetarily.